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Wimbley Murray’s Personal Log

Stardate 0502.03


We have had quite a crisis. Security and engineering modified some Class IX probes, removing sensor equipment and adding explosive devices with timed detonators. The probes were to collapse the cavern in the asteroid where the USS Portland was salvaging equipment from the USS Pegasus. Commander Shamor sent me to the bridge to fire the eight probes.


Well, slight problem there. We got five probes off when number six failed to fire. Unfortunately, its timer started. In two and a half minutes, the probe would give us that window we want in the security office. Commander Ridire had me try to beam it out, but all of the explosives in the magazine prevented a transporter lock.


Apparently, Commander Shamor went down to the torpedo bay and deactivated the bomb. From what I can gather, the situation wore him out. Heck, I would definitely be in need of a clean uniform. Anyway, he shut it down with seconds to spare.


Now, the fun has begun. The captain has ordered an investigation of the probe. My guess would be sabotage. I was there and everything was hunky-dory when I left. I can’t imagine any of the others having messed with anything. Could the Romulans have gotten an infiltrator aboard the Reaent? If so, it is going to come down to us to flush him or her out. I’m sure Starfleet would be thrilled at the prospect of having us bring back a Romulan.

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