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"Strengths and Weknesses"

Captain Cameron Steele

Commanding Officer

USS Hunley


SD 0502.01




Cameron felt himself slowly sliding back into consciousness. He did not know how long he had been out, or for how long he had been in this cave. Fleeting memories flashed in his mind, his being called to the bridge, leading the away team to the surface, and coming face to face (or face to back) with the creatures.


Cameron was a proud man, always working hard and reveling in his accomplishments. Now, as he lie on the cold, damp ground of the cave, he made a small scoffing noise. He had gone through the ranks, and strived to command his own ship, and for what? To come to this planet and lie in the dust?


A cold breeze entered the cave and overtook him, send shivers down his spine. His mind wandered back to the creatures that had abducted them. Every time they came, horror, fear, and panic had over taken him. It was as if they exerted a sense of foreboding and evil. They had come and gone time and time again, so much that he had lost count. Many time he had passed out, only to regain consciousness to ponder why his body was letting him down. Was he really that weak when it came down to pure panic and fear?


A light suddenly danced along the ceiling, and startled Steele. He sat up as quickly as his body would let him. He saw the outline of another person across the cave from him, but it too was huddled up against a wall. His heart lept, they were about to be saved! And then the realization hit him. He has been kept alive for bait. He tried to stand and make his way to the light, but only overexerted himself and fell back to the floor, hitting his head against the wall. The last thought going through his head was to warn his rescuers, but he could not even raise an arm before he passed out once more.



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