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Nimoy Sings Again

:D :wacko:


one of those two is apropriate


I enjoyed it, it was fun to watch, a little disturbing....in that fun-loving way, kind of like theatre people (which i am)


my favourite was the "brothers and the sisters" with the afro and the nun...good times.


Thanks for sharing that with us Van/Roy

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I have to say, Some people should just not sing, and stay with there day job. That was a little disturbing. Thanks a lot. I needed that :D :wacko:

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Ok, I find it amusing when actors try to be pop singers. But, I do remember Nimoy's first alblum and his first single "Twinkle, twinkle little Earth". It was very funny and meant in the humor of the times.



"Meow, I say meow boy."

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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Heh eh.. that was indeed quite disturbing. :D Some people also have too much time on their hands too

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I liked it. Espically the Communist parts...RED POWER!


Kriok's avatar did a little number too!!!




(Probably under the influence of someting)



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Also, I'm sure Fred would like to know that is was the Ambasador class Enterprise C that drops singing Nemoy head into outside space.


I also like the part where the mel gibson doll chops Picards head off...


This is so sick.

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