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Superbowl Bound...

Who will advance to the Superbowl?   13 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will advance to the Superbowl?

    • Patriots over Steelers, Eagles over Falcons
    • Patriots over Steelers, Falcons over Eagles
    • Steelers over Patriots, Eagles over Falcons
    • Steelers over Patriots, Falcons over Eagles

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31 posts in this topic

Well folks...you've seen the games this week and what a week it was!

* The Steelers choke and still end up with a victory after the Jets had THREE chances to win (one in overtime).

* The Patriots roll over the high powered Colts and continue to prove why they are the best team in the league.

* The Eagles prove that they're not rusty in their victory over Minnesota.

* The Falcons run all over (literally... ::sniff::D the potent Rams in a major rout.


So now...the stage continues to be set. Who will advance to this years Superbowl?


New England @ Pittsburgh


Atlanta @ Philadelphia


My pick: I haven't been much of a Steeler believer all season (much to the dismay of NDak), and this week's game did not help me become one either. If "Big Ben" plays like a rookie in this game, he won't be so lucky. Patriots come away with this victory: 23-10.

Philadelphia breaks the curse! Looking impressive on Sunday made me an Eagles believer and the fact I'm still sore from the beating that Vick put on the Rams, I'm cchoosing the Eagles in a decisive 31-17 win.

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And as a side note...has anyone even noticed that hockey hasn't been around? It sure makes Sportscenter more interesting these days! :D

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Well folks...you've seen the games this week and what a week it was!

* The Steelers choke and still end up with a victory after the Jets had THREE chances to win (one in overtime).

* The Patriots roll over the high powered Colts and continue to prove why they are the best team in the league.

* The Eagles prove that they're not rusty in their victory over Minnesota.

* The Falcons run all over (literally... ::sniff::D the potent Rams in a major rout.


So now...the stage continues to be set.  Who will advance to this years Superbowl?


New England @ Pittsburgh


Atlanta @ Philadelphia


My pick: I haven't been much of a Steeler believer all season (much to the dismay of NDak), and this week's game did not help me become one either.  If "Big Ben" plays like a rookie in this game, he won't be so lucky.  Patriots come away with this victory: 23-10.

Philadelphia breaks the curse! Looking impressive on Sunday made me an Eagles believer and the fact I'm still sore from the beating that Vick put on the Rams, I'm cchoosing the Eagles in a decisive 31-17 win.

Remind me.... The Steelers....we already played the Patriots once this season...and we torched them :D


I am calling for the All-Pennsylvania Superbowl :wacko:

Edited by NDak

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Steelers did look kinda shaky over lowly NY there, eh? Thought they'd be able to roll over the Jets no problem.. Gotta side with Grommit in saying they'll probably lose out to the Patriots, who looked great over the heavily favoured Colts. As for the Atlanta/Phily game, I'm not sure, so I'll just guess at Eagles. :D

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I am calling for the All-Pennsylvania Superbowl :D

That's about as exciting as calling for a recount in Nebraska... :wacko:

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Go Patriots! And being from PA, I am strongly opposed to a Steelers-Eagles Super Bowl.

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I'd rehash my point on why I chose these teams, but I'm sure someone will probably get all mad with me, but I'm gonna anyways :wacko:


Patriots at Steelers: Yea... the Jets won on Saturday, they just couldn't kick the ball through the goal posts. Just as a side note.


Pittsburgh was hot this season, but the Playoffs are a whole different ballgame from the regular season (As we saw with Pittsburgh on Saturday), and the Patriots are now pro's in the post season.


The Steelers are gonna do what they did when they played the Patriots last time: Try and run the ball down the the Patriots throat, and believe me, the Patriots don't make the same mistake twice. The Patriots defense will keep Pittsburgh's running game in check, and they'll apply enough pressure on Ben Roethlisberger to keep him in check as well. The Patriots defense will do to Pittsburgh what they just did to the fifth highest scoring offense in NFL history, keep the line in check, and let the Patriots offense do their magic.


Expect Tom Brady to pass the ball and take advantage of the number three rusher in the league, Corey Dillon, to establish a running game against Pittsburg (Which they weren't able to do last time since Dillon didn't play Pittsburg the last time).


Patriots over the Steelers, 24-13.


Atlanta at Philadelphia: This one is gonna be tougher to call, both teams are very well balanced across the board. Good offense, good defense. Both have spectacular quarterbacks, Donovan McNabb and Michael Vick, both of them are deadly weapons in their teams arsenal. Both teams are coming off great wins, so this should be one heck of a game. The game will more than likely be a shootout between the offenses, so this will be a close one.


But after heavy consideration, and after I finally got a chance to see the Divisional games (Thank you TIVO. :D ), I gotta pick the Eagles to win this one. The Falcons have been so-so this season anyways, but the Eagles have done pretty good this season.


If the Red Sox can break their curse, then the Eagles can as well. :D


Eagles over the Falcons, 27-21.


Superbowl Match-Up Pick: New England Patriots vs. Philadelphia Eagles

Edited by John_Anderson

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That's the hot choice all over, even though the Patriots were picked to lose to the Colts.

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I'm not watching any more football. The Vikings are out, and thats all thats important.

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For calrification...did you bother watching the last time the Jets played the Steelers? Yeah...it looked about the same (minus the punt return and the interception return.) The Steelers played terrific defense (FYI Roth played a horrific games versus the Jets the first time...so yeah...thats like judging Brady against the Fins...)


New England vs Pitt will be a great game regardless of who wins.


But I am going to stick by my guns. Pitt rides the Bus to Jacksonsville.


Pitt, 27-10





Yeah yeah I know all about the curse of the Eagles...funny...the Red Sox were supposed to be cursed too, and we all know how that turned out.


So for my pick: Philly has been this far, they know what's at stake here, and geez its the Falcons...they lost to KC 45-17! Atlanta has never been this far under the current staff (and cripes they beat the Rams...the 8-8 Rams!) and they play in a blasted dome, it's not going be a perfect 69 degrees in Philly come gametime, and that is major disadvantage to Vick and posse.


Philly, 35-17

Edited by NDak

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The Steelers are gonna do what they did when they played the Patriots last time: Try and run the ball down the the Patriots throat, and believe me, the Patriots don't make the same mistake twice. The Patriots defense will keep Pittsburgh's running game in check, and they'll apply enough pressure on Ben Roethlisberger to keep him in check as well. The Patriots defense will do to Pittsburgh what they just did to the fifth highest scoring offense in NFL history, keep the line in check, and let the Patriots offense do their magic.


Expect Tom Brady to pass the ball and take advantage of the number three rusher in the league, Corey Dillon, to establish a running game against Pittsburg (Which they weren't able to do last time since Dillon didn't play Pittsburg the last time).

First, No one has been able to stop the Pittsburgh running game.


Second, It wouldn't have mattered if Dillion played in Game 1 or not. (and Oh yeah...we have the Number 1 Rushing Defense in the League...hmmmm....and the Number 4 Pass Defense in the Leauge...hmmm...)


Third, Deuce Staley didn't play in the first game either.


So yeah...umm I hate to be the one to clue you in (wait no i don't) but the Patriots lost the last time, (uhhh let me refresh your memory mr. "no way, will that ever happen.") and they can and will lose again.

Edited by NDak

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First, No one has been able to stop the Pittsburgh running game.


Second, It wouldn't have mattered if Dillion played in Game 1 or not. (and Oh yeah...we have the Number 1 Rushing Defense in the League...hmmmm....and the Number 4 Pass Defense in the Leauge...hmmm...)


Third, Deuce Staley didn't play in the first game either.


So yeah...umm I hate to be the one to clue you in (wait no i don't) but the Patriots lost the last time, (uhhh let me refresh your memory mr. "no way, will that ever happen.")  and they can and will lose again.

See what I meant folks? I got this one going now.


As we all know, the Patriots defense is going stop the Pittsburgh running game. Also the reason I mentioned Corey Dillion was simply because if New England establishes their running game they're gonna do what they just did with Peyton Manning, use the run to control the game, and keep the Pittsburgh offense off the field. And to that first note, no one was able to stop the Colts and thier passing game with Peyton and look who came along and did that: The Patriots. They have one heck of a defensive line, and they're coming in knowing how Pittsburgh is gonna play this game. Like I said, the Patriots do not make the same the mistake twice.


You know, when you really think about it, this year Pittsburgh has the same game plan that the Panthers from last year had. The Panthers won on defense and their running game, and we all saw how that went for them. Sure it got them to the Superbowl, but look who was there to stop them: The New England Patriots.


Pittsburgh's only hope in winning is in them scoring hard and fast (Like in their encounter earlier this year with New England), if they try to go one on one with the New England defensive line, it's game over and New England rides to Jacksonville. If the Patriots offensive line is allowed to control the tempo of the game and the Pittsburgh defense is unable to stop them, it's game over as well.


You take away either the running game or the defense from Pittsburgh, and it's, that's right, game over. And as we all saw this weekend, the Patriots are gonna ride in and do just that: Stop the run, and control the game with the run.


So... Go Pats! :D

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So... Go Pats! :wacko:

Plus we know of NDak's irrational bias against the Pats...and his drooling over the Steelers! :D :D

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This is the Eagles year! If not, then next year will be.


I live near Philly, and believe me we have the spirit, and since the Steelers are also doing great, there's a distinct possibility that there will be a Pennsilvania super bowl.



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This is the Eagles year!  If not, then next year will be.

They said that last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. I think they'll once again botch it and lose a fourth straight Confference champioship.


As for the Steelers, gag me with a spoon. I'm a Pennsylvanian and I hate both teams. I hope at least one of them doesn't make it so we can not have this PA Super Bowl.

Edited by WxMurray

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I was actually hoping the Saints would show up in the playoffs. ::ducks the incoming soda can's:: Actually, I'm pushing for the Falcons just cause. :D



:I meow meow meow, and I meow meow meow."

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My predictions are looking good. :D


There will be much weeping in Western PA.

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Hey, my small hometown made a segment on NPR yesterday regarding football. You can to the segment's page and listen to the segment here. The segment requires Windows Media Player or RealAudio Player.


That said, go Pats!

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Yeah, but at least the Eagles made it into the Superbowl. 45 Years of existance and no Super Bowl win.. :D I hope they win. :)

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They had one superbowl win before. Eben though I doubted them, THEY WON!!!!! Next: Superbowl win.


GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!

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Go Eagles!



(My Hatred for Tom Terific Intensifying)

Edited by NDak

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Go Eagles!

::sees NDak make the clear Jump to the Eagles' banwagon:: It's good! :D


They had one superbowl win before.

Heh, guess that shows how little I know about football, eh? :o But, that can be forgiven seeing that I'm Canadian. :)

Edited by Seiben

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Poor delerious people...so sad. :D

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Poor delerious people...so sad. :D

That's what I thought.


The Eagles have not won a Super Bowl. Ever. They lost to the Raiders 27-10 in Super Bowl XV, their only Super Bowl appearance until now.

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So sad...


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