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The Danteri Affair

Six Years Ago


The Elasian battle-carrier Saltok entered the Danteri home system, along with her attendant escorts of various sizes. Her large proportions revealed the many teeth she carried. Twenty Photonic torpedo tubes, eighteen disruptor banks, and various pulse weapons stood at the ready, as the Saltok cruised into the system.


Three Danteri warships met her at the small asteroid belt that lay between the 6th and 5th planets of the system.


The bridge of the Saltok was a buzz in an organized chaos. Above the bedlam, four tall Elasian men and one shorter man stood on a platform dressed in full battle armor of the ancient days of war with the Troyians.


“General,” the shorter one said to one of the men standing next to him, “Surely they don’t plan on keeping us for entering orbit.”


The general thought for a moment, then pursing his lips and placing his hands neatly behind his back opened his mouth, “They would not risk a war with us, and jeopardize their status with in the Federation, Lord Regent.”


“Can you be sure?”


One of the other men in the group stepped forward, placing himself between the narrow metallic railing and the viewscreen. “I think the Federation needs the Danteri more than the Danteri need the Federation.”


“I agree,” the Regent said, placing his hand on the dazzling sword that hung at his side, “With this Dominion War, the Federation needs every ally they can get, and they have little patience for these brush fires…hence why we’re here and not a Federation Ambassadorial detachment.”


“Brush fire??”


“Yes,” the Regent said coolly. “In the grand scheme of things, the Danteri transgressions against us are of little importance in comparison with an invasion of the Quadrant by the Dominion.”


The platform lapsed into silence, till a call from the “pit.”


“Sirs,” a young communications officer called to the platform. “The Danteri warships are hailing us.”


“Put them on screen,” one of the Generals said calmly, then turned to those gathered on the platform. “Let us see what these scum have to say.”


“Yes,” the Regent said. “Remember I am in command of this battle group.”


The generals nodded, knowing there place, yielding to the Regent as the large screen came to life and filled with the image of a high ranking, bronze skinned Danaterian Admiral.


“Elasian Battle Fleet,” he said in a low-raspy, labored voice. “I am Fleet Admiral Nejak of the Danteri Imperial Navy, state your purpose.”


The Regent cleared his throat and hardened his jaw line. “I am Lord Regent Koshic N’Dak, Supreme Commander of the Elasian Warfleets. We are here to speak directly with the Emperor of Danter, any attempt to delay or halt this mission, will be considered an Act of War, resulting in the destruction of your fleet. Is that clear?”


The Generals behind Koshic grinned with pride, some of his father genetics had survived after all. Koshic own expression was deadly serious, as the light glinted off his ancient gold-plated battle armor that covered his body.


Nejak considered the situation for a few moments, debating internally the seriousness of the young Elasians intentions and threats. “That will not be necessary,” Nejak finally spoke, his calm civility belaying his impulse to fire at the Elasian battle group. “We will escort you to homeworld, and arrange for your requested meeting.”


The viewscreen flickered off and both respective commanders began barking orders. With in an hour the two fleets made orbit of the third planet of the Danteri system.




“An Elasian warfleet,” Hamte said to a room of Danteri seated about a round table, “You don’t say?”


Tallin, a taller Danteri should stood in the doorway of the darkened room nodded. “They ‘requested’ to speak with the Emporer himself, if we refuse they will consider it an act of war.”


“Thank you Tallin, you are dismissed.”


As Tallin exited the room, and the door wished shut behind him, the room engulfed itself in whispers and murmurs. Hamte finally spoke up quieting the room. “Then they have discovered our subterfuge.”


“Apparently,” Wextrin, Minister of Defense said pointedly at Hamte.


“Then pray tell, Prime Minister Hamte,” Hejal another of the Ministers said, “What are we to do?”


Hamte grinned devilishly. “We agree to let him meet with the Emperor, but we kill him before that is possible.”




“Well of course, we’ll blame the Xenexians,” Hamte said. “Minister Trena, your men can take care of this then?”





3 months earlier


Major Darion Lenz sat in the command chair of the Elasian patrol vessel Isadon sipping from a tall metallic mug of freshly brewed Elasian Coffee. He starred aimlessly into the vast space on the view screen.


Despite the much increased tensions between Elaas and Troyius, the current situation on the fringes of “Elasian” territory was rather calm and placid. Something Lenz enjoyed immensely.


At the edge of the viewscreen, just coming into visual range was the Rienhe Corridor, a small shoot between two rather nasty nebulae.


“ETA to the Shoot?” Lenz said unemotionally to the Helm officer seated a few feet in front of him.


The helm officer looked at his consol for the information then turned. “We’re still a couple hours away, two at current speed.”


“Very well,” Lenz said leaning back in to his soft leathery captain’s chair. “Continue on present course and speed.”


A few moments passed as Lenz finished his coffee, then sent it back to the galley with a yeoman. He was just about to leave the bridge in the capable hands of his XO and retreat to his office, when the Tactical officer had other ideas.


“Major Lenz,” the tall, fair-skinned Tactical officer said, “Sir I have detected something rather odd in the Shoot.”


Lenz lifted his left eye brow, and turned his chair as to face the smallish tactical station situated a few meters away from him. “Explain.”


Lenz had been in command of the Isadon for nearly 13 years now, and in that thirteen years had been patrolling this particular sector of space for the previous 3 years, 5 months, and 32 days—and a few hours if you wanted to get technical. So when his fresh young ensign of a tactical officer claimed something was unusual it caused him to pause.


The tactical officer, Keb Marson, looked down to verify what he was about tro say—just to be on the safe side. “Well, it seems that there is an unscheduled Danteri Frieghter making a trip through the shoot.”




‘The Shoot’ as it was called colloquially had been controlled by the Elasians for over two centuries, since the last great war between the Troyians and the Elasians. The narrow streach of clean space was not just a safe passage way between the two nebula in the region, but it also served as a major trade route, connecting the vast expanses of the Beta Quadrant to Elasia, but more closely, Troyius.


“Are we with-in communications range?”


The communications officer perked his ears up from the alcove to the right of Lenz. “We will be in a few minutes, sir.”


“Good, when we’re in range of the Danteri freighter—get their captain on the line.”


“Yes, Major.”


“Helm, increase speed to three-fourths impulse, set an intercept course.”


“But captain, that will take us through the heart of Hasuki-Spano Nebula.”


“I’m aware.”


“Understood, Intercept course plotted, engaging now.”


“Tactical, Condition Yellow leave weapons and shields on stand by. Begin running some long range scans of that vessel. I want to see what it so important that they didn’t bother to register their flight path with us.”


“Yes, Major.”


The Isadon closed in on the Danteri freighter.


“Major we’re with in sensor range of the Frieghter.”


“Good, begin an intensive scan. Open a Channel.”


The operations officer nodded and flips a few switches on his consol. “Channel Open.”


“This is Major Darion Lenz of the Elasian Patrol-vessel Isadon to unidentified Danteri freighter, Respond.”


After a few moments, the speakers crackled with a response. “This is Captain Teka of the Danteri Freighter Mujo.”


“Captain Teka, you are in violation of trade regulations, we have no registered flight plan for you.”


“I apologize Major, we are carrying vital medical supplies to help combat an outbreak of Telanian Flu on Troyius IV. Please allow us to continue with our mission, millions of lives are at stake.”


Lenz lifted his brows. There had been an out break of Telanian Flu on Troyius IV, but where the Danteri really sending aide?


“Very well, Captain. However, as soon as you make your delivery I expect you stop and register your route with the Elasian Port Authority at Talix Minor.”


“Of course Major. Mujo, out.”


The Mujo continued on as the Isadon came to stop.


“Major, I detected no medical supplies, however…”




“I did detect photon-torpedo casings.”




“Shall we intercept them?”


Lenz thought for a moment. “No, set course for Elas, contact fleet command priority one.”




From the Saltok’s underbelly emerged a medium sized diplomatic currier shuttle.

Her smooth, silken silver hull glimmered in the Danteri sun. Flanked by six fighters, the shuttle, carrying Regent N’Dak and his entourage entered the atmosphere of the Danteri homeworld and headed towards a landing base a few hundred meters from the Royal Palace Complex.


The meeting had taken several days to arrange, but was now ready to commence. The Danteri Politburo had trumped up some propaganda to the media about it being a friendly visit by the Elaisan dignitaries. And had planned much pomp and circumstance, none of which pleased N’Dak and company, but it was better than having an all out war on their hands.


The Shuttle touched down to a wildly cheering crowd of Danteri and when N’Dak and his royal entourage stepped out onto the paddock the holovid flashes nearly blinded him.


He was greeted by Minister Hamte at the edge of the paddock in a dazzling open air carriage pulled by four rhino-like animals. He was promptly ushered into the Carriage and they set off through the parade like crowd.


As they road N’Dak jumped at the opportunity to speak with Hamte, the ranking elected Danteri. “Is this really necessary, Minister?” N’Dak said through fake smiles and cheesy waves.


“Yes, Regent it is,” Hamte said, hiding his despise for the man setting next to him. “If the public knew what you really brought that warfleet here for, well it wouldn’t be a good thing.”


“Oh,” N’Dak said, “So you know why we have come here.”


“Not exactly…”


“One word…Mujo.”


Hamte’s fake smile cracked, the obvious irritation showed only for a moment. “What about it?”


“I think you know what about it.”


“You give me too much credit.”


“Do I?”


“What could I know, I am just a simple politician.”


“My point exactly Minister Hamte,”




In the foreground stood an attractive twenty-something blond, holding an FNN microphone, her hair flutteringly lightly in the breeze, thousands of Danteri waving flags behind her. Flower pedals falling all around her.


This is Chistana Ahom reporting live for Federation News Network from Danter. Today the leaders from the Danteri Empire and the Elasia are set to meet in a historic summit to discuss terms of a new trade agreement between Federation Member Elasian and future Federation Member Danter.


As you can see here, the atmosphere is festive, almost parade like as thousands of Danteri have came out to welcome the Elasian Representative Lord Regent Koshic N’Dak. Koshic is the son of the late Federation Ambassador Dano N’Dak.

As you can see were here in the Grand Royal Square just a few meters away from the Royal Palace of Danter where N’Dak is set to meet with the Regent N’Dak.


Oh look here comes the convoy now.


The camera panned to spot the carriage pulled by the Rhino-steeds, N’Dak waving to the crowd, standing beside the also waving Hamte. Several Elasian Generals sat behind N’Dak, trying to make the sham look as real as they could mange. Behind them trailed several other smaller carriages also carrying members of the N’Dak Entourage.


As the Camera started to pan back to Ahom; sudden bursts of light from a nearby building stopped the wild cheering of the crowd as they streaked into the convoy.




Koshic N’Dak lay bleeding upon the floor of the carriage, Hamte lay on the bench above him, his face raw and bleeding. N’Dak started to stand, but felt his knees give way, and he fell to the hard stone ground, blood pouring from his chest. Two of the Generals behind N’Dak moaned in agony, their bodies bloody shot up pulp. A thirds’ brains laid spattered on the back seat. In the carriages behind N’Dak’s the Carnage was similar.


Emergency Medics rushed to the scene of the carnage ad Danteri authorities attempted to locate the shooter.


N’Dak lay nearly lifeless as they tried to stabilize him. The shot had pierced his breastplate armor and struck his chest, opening whole in his chest, from which blood spew. Another and struck his neck, opening the jugular.

His eyes rolled back into head head as they worked on him. He could feel life slipping from him, the urge to die was becoming greater than the urge to live. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to the one.




When he finally awoke some weeks later, he was worlds away from Danter. Safe and sound in a hospital in Cor Captillia overlooking the Gate of N’Dak.

Koshic looked around disoriented and called out. “What in blazes!”


A nurse tip-toed around the corner, smiling. “Oh Lord Regent, your awake!”


“Do you want to tell me what the heck just happened. The last thing I remember was…I was dying…on Danter.”


The nurse gave him a sweet look as she came full into the room. “There was an assassination attempt…”


She was interrupted by a familiar voice. “I’ll explain the rest to him…”


Coreth N’Dak stepped into the room, smiling politely, happy to see his elder cousin alive and cognitive.


“Of course Vice-roy,” the nurse said and she walked out the room shutting the door to leave them alone.




“Yes Koshic?”


“Just how long have I been out?”


“3 weeks,” Coreth said as he took a seat in the plush chair at Koshic’s bedside. “They didn’t think you’d live.”


“Isn’t that the point of an assassination?”


Coreth smirked. “I suppose so…”


“Who else was injured?”


“Minister Hamte took a pulse blast to his face, he was in pretty bad shape, but the Danteri tell us he’ll recover. General Tashar is dead, General Hegan is in pretty bad shape, the doctors don’t know if he’ll live, and General Vostrak in is Areena Recovering nicely.”


“Those bastards.”


“The Danteri arrested the shooter….a Xenexian…a member of the Orion Syndicate.”


“Figures…and the Mujo?”


“The Danteri authorities arrested the Captain and his…conspirators.”


“One of these days they’ll pay for this.”


Coreth looked over at his bandaged cousin. “You mean you still think that the Government was behind this?”


“Now more than ever.”




As the Arcadia entered orbit around Danter a group of Danteri Ministers met in a darkened room high above Capitol.


“The Arcadia,” Hamte said to a room of Dantarians seated about a round table, “You don’t say?”


Tallin, the now older Danatrian should stood in the doorway of the darkened room nodded. “They requested access to our dataport. Also they transported down two away teams. One to the DataBank. The other to the Embassy.”


“Thank you Tallin, you are dismissed.”


“I am not making the connection here,” Wextrin, Minister of Defense said pointedly at Hamte. “Why is this so important?”


“Because a few days ago we intercepted a communiqué between the Arcadia and Xenex. It was a data stream containing high-level information on the Royal Family of Thalon.”


“Your point Hejal?” Wextrin said more firmly.


“Do you know who was requesting the information?”




“An old friend of ours,” Hamte said. “Koshic N’Dak.”


“Gods…has he not been killed yet.”


“Unfortunately for us not.”


“Our…associates…tell us that he may be onto our operations in Thalon Space.”


“I knew we should have killed him when we had the chance,” Wextrin said.


Hamte grinned devilishly. “We still have the chance.”


“Won’t that look rather obvious?”


“I’ll handle that,” Hamte said. “You people just worry about making sure that we don’t get implicated in all of this. Cover ourselves…status Power Play.”


With that cryptic response, the room cleared and Hamte was left alone in the large dark office, starring out into the night sky of Danter. “Well Koshic…this time I’ll kill you myself.”




Micheon, the Danteri trader who had given up the scandal to the Federation, was found dead a few days after the Arcadia left orbit. Authorities claimed suicide, although many in the “know” at Federation HQ felt otherwise.


The scandal itself would never come to life to many in the Federation. With Micheon dead, and the operation compromised, SIA and the Federation Council felt that exposing the Danteri would risk an all out war with the Thallonians, a risk they couldn’t take.


Wextrin, Hejal, and the other members of the conspiracy retired as soon as their terms were up, never to emerge in public life again. Hamte had a much different fate.




Just before the Arcadia crew had been beamed up, Koshic received a coded message from a Danteri courier. “Meet at base of Jan’Qua’s Statue in the Garden of Danter.”


The message didn’t say who it was from, but Koshic had a feeling he knew who sent it. After convincing Moose everything would be okay, N’Dak sneaked off alone to meet with whoever it was that wanted to see him.

It was late in the still evening when N’Dak arrived at the arranged location. And this area of the garden was quite and secluded. Perfect for an ambush.

Koshic looked around the area, removing his dazzling kamas from behind his back and brought them to the ready position. “Come out, come out where ever you are.”


“Koshic N’Dak,” a familiar voice called out from behind the statue. “I would have thought someone would have killed you by now.”


“Just lucky I suppose,” N’Dak said, twirling the Kamas, “But don’t think you’re the only one that’s tried…Hamte…”


“Very good,” Hamte said as he stepped from behind the shadows, the paling sun caught his eyes, and showed the scar that ran down his face.


“I see the scar has never healed,” N’Dak said. “Tell me something, why did you get shot as well?”


“It had to look real,” Hamte said as he removed a short sword from a dangling sheath at his side. “It would look rather suspicious if I had been the only one not attacked.”


“True,” Koshic said, “So your still up to your old tricks I see.”


“I can’t officially comment.”


“Of course,” Koshic said as the two began to circle the other. “So you’ve come to finish what you couldn’t do six years ago?”


“You know it really is a shame you didn’t die here 6 years ago,” Hamte said with growing resentment towards N’Dak.


“And it’s a shame you didn’t either.”


“So are we going to stand here and trade insults for the next 6 years,” Hamte said, “or are we going to try and kill each other.”


“Oh,” Koshic said. “I am all for killing you.”


“Same here.”


Hamte made the first move, a slash at N’Dak’s legs. It caught N’Dak by surpise and opened a small cut on his leg. Koshic counter though with a quick flash of right Kama, burying it into Hamte’s arm, then quickly withdrawing it.

For a few moments the two circled again, as they each tried to make light of the wounds. “I see your not as bad a fighter as I would think…for a Federations Scientist.”


Koshic reacted with another slice of the Kamas, this time to the midsection. They buried into the abdomen.


“Ahhhh,” Hamte screamed as the sword fell out of his hand.


But before Koshic could deliver another blow. Hamte smacked N’Dak in the head with balled fist, then in one slick motion deleivered a blowing kick to N’Daks ribs.


“Uufff…” N’Dak fell back with a thud.


Hamte held his gapping side with one hand and grabbed his sword with the other. N’Dak lay a few feet away gasping for breath, Hamte had struck a lucky blow to the ribs, and getting breath was becoming harder and harder.


“Now you pathetic imp,” Hamte said as he made his way over to N’Dak, “I shall kill you.”


N’Dak gathered what strength he had, and stood, displaying the Kamas in the ready position. “You just do that.”


Again Hamte came at N’Dak, but this time it was N’Dak who made the attacking move. With his right foot he round-housed Hamte to the gut, where the wound was, then brought his right Kama around, slicing Hamte’s sword hand off, then with the left kama uppercut Hamte’s throat slicing it open.

Hamte fell back awkwardly, writhing in pain as he struggled for breath. He tripped over a small flower arrangement, and fell back into a pool of water. N’Dak fell to the ground in pain.


Water rushed into the open throat of Hamte and filled his lungs, he gurgles then slipped away into the dark abyss of the afterlife.


N’Dak reached to his communicator, struggling for breath himself. “N’Dak to Arcadia…one to beam directly…to…sickbay…”


The bright light of the Arcadia transporters engulfed N’Dak, and he was safe and sound on the Arcadia.

Edited by Cptn Corizon

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