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A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

"A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste"


Joint Log by:

Lt.Sg. Koshic Liam N'Dak, Ph.D.


Lt.Jg. Aaron Westler, Ph.D.




Lt. N'Dak walked into sickbay after a "fun" chat with

Andrea. Westler, having just returned to Sickbay after

catching a quick nap in his quarters, looked up and

smiled. "N'Dak, what brings you back here?"


"You wanted to do a phsyical...", he gave the doctor

one of those looks.


Aaron raised an eyebrow, "I know that, but I did'nt

think you would want to come back here so soon...the

Counselor must have done something right." He laughed

and stood up, showing NDak to a biobed. N'Dak didn't

bother to dignfy that response and took his seat.

Grabbing a tricorder and a PADD, Westler sat down

across from NDak. "Allright, Name and Rank?"


N'Dak sighed. "Koshic Liam N'Dak. Lt. Senior Grade."

N'Dak was mentally debating rambling off his title

again...just for good measure. "Current President of

the United Federation of Planets?" "Jarsho-Inyo."


Westler grabbed his tricorder and set it on the biobed

next to NDak, grabbing a scope. "Allright Mr. NDak,

I'm going to look in your head cavities, so don't move

too much." He stuck the scope down NDak's mouth and

took a good look at monitor next to the bed, nodding. N'Dak hated these things, and had managed to avoid them while he was at the Academy as an instuctor, but now that he was on active duty he didn't have much of a choice he guessed.


After finishing with the scope, Westler produced a

pair of goggles and put them on NDak's eyes.

"Allright, in a second youll see some yellow balls

bouncing around before you, just reach out and grab

them." He backed away and activated a wall

panel, setting the frquency to 15 balls per minute.


N'Dak's extra-sensory ability allowed him the ability

to catch all of them rather quickly. "I know you can

do better than that." He grinned, from ear to

ear...even though this task had given him a slight

headache everytime he'd been made to do it. Westler

grinned, and set the frequency to a very high setting,

so that at any given second, NDak was seeing at

least 3-4 balls.


Giving one of his more arrogant looks, N'Dak

concentrated giving a slight glow from his body as he

closed his eyes and did it all mentally, grabbing

nearly all of the yellow spheres. "As you can see

doctor...this isn't the first time I have done this

test...". Impressed, Aaron shut down the goggles. "I

can see, in fact, you beat your own record you set

with Dr. Telano."


N'Dak loosened his mental concentration, "Yes...ever

since...the...incidents...my abilties seem to have

gotten better, If you could put it that way." Aaron

pulled a chair up to NDak. "About those incidents..."

He turned his tricorder upward, aiming it at NDak's



N'Dak opened his eyes relaxing his body back to

normal, just as the headache kicked in, "Yes?"

Reaching over to a tray and getting a hypo for Dak's

headache, Aaron proceeded. "How have they affected

your normal routines? Can you do anything faster or

eaisier?" N'Dak gave him one of those looks, not sure

what he meant. "What do you mean? I am not levitating

things if thats what you mean..." "No, what Im getting

at is whether those two incidents caused any

long-lasting effects that we haven't talked about



N'Dak seemed to think about this for a momment. "Once

in a while I feel manifestations from the Squid

incident..." he paused, considering what he was about

say, "You know wondering how...Trill symbiont would

taste...I am actually quite concerned about the level

of contact I had...and then the disaster at Axaia..."

N'Dak trailed off, starring at the walls of sickbay.


Westler was beginning to get concerned. "So you are,

help me out here, at times thinking like a Squid?"

Aaron was becoming confused, finding it hard to put

his thoughts into words. "Yes...mommentary

lapses...they've been far and few between." Aaron

jotted some notes down on the PADD, "What about



"I have managed to block most of that out of my

mind...but...since then...my abilities well they seem

not to have been affected after Doctor Telano treated me for...whatw as it he called it...Telepathic Overload." "Ah yes, I remember that. So that treatment worked out well for you?" "As well as can be expected. I have meditated on the matter a lot...and come to some peace about it...That's not what has been bothering me



Westler shifted in his seat, "Then what has?" N'Dak

leaned back against the Bio-bed. "The other N'Dak..."


NDak now had Westler's full, undivided attention. "The

other NDak?"


"The Romulan version...I just can't get over how

much...how much he looked like me. I have had dreams

about him. It's odd...like there was some...connection

between us." Aaron interrupted. "Let's backtrack

here...was this during the Squid incident?"

"Yes...after we'd captured him...the second

time...before I used that necklace..."


Aaron nodded, remembering that day pretty well. "And

so he looked a lot like you?" "It was uncanny...And I

*felt* a connection to him somehow...like I'd known

him for years. But he was so, so..." N'Dak paused, a

visable shiver running down his spine, "so cold." He

could place every hair on the Romulan's head, it had

been such short incident, but one that had made a

lasting imperssion upon him.


Aaron looked very concerned. "Are you ok?". "I think

so...everything has just been so stressful lately...I

have been through so much..." Aaron nodded, "I've

noticed. Have you been getting enough sleep at night?"

"Sleep...Sleep...what is this five letter word..."


More notes flooded the PADD..."It's what you'll be

doing a lot from now on. Im going to put you on a very

short schedule for the next few weeks. More time to

relax and less time working hard." Aaron made notes on

the PADD to inform Cmdr

LoAmi, Cmdr Dacotah, and Capt. Moose about the



"Great Maker..." N'Dak sat back up, looking at

Westler. "You do realize that I am the best

Anthropologist and Archeologist on this boat?"


"I know, and I'm not denying you from doing your job

at all, you just need more time to relax and take care

of yourself." N'Dak sighed, knowing full well he was

right. "I suppose there is no use in arguing with you,



"None, It would just be a waste of time my friend.

I'll work out a schedule that should suit everyone. In

the meantime..." Aaron reached over and grabbed a 2nd

hypo and a small tin box, "Here is something to help

you sleep. Just use one capsule

in the hypo each night, and it'll induce a nice REM

sleep for 6 hours."


"Umm No thank you...I can get to sleep on my own..."

"Well then I suggest you start doing so." Aaron winked

and stowed away the hypo, picking up his PADDs. "So

other than needing some sleep...Am I normal?"


The good doctor stopped and looked N'Dak in the eye.

"You've been through a lot...let me run some test data

and think on this for a few days. I just don't know

everything thats going on in your mind right now..."


"Well," N'Dak said standing up, "If that's all

Doctor...I should be resting, no?" "You read my mind,

I suggest to go to your quarters, eat, and lie down.

Or, go to the holodeck, and use program Westler 2374.

Your choice." He smiled.


"If it involves women...you do realize I am engaged?"

N'Dak cackled cryptically. "Some of us can get

fabulous women without a Holodeck." Aaron laughed,

"You might want to try 2375 then...less taste, but

quieter." N'Dak nodded, steadied himself and made his

way out of medical, heading for the Senior Officers

Quarters a few decks up.


Aaron watched N'Dak leave Sickbay, and sat down

to log the visit. "Why didn't I know he's engaged?" he muttered.



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