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A Little Excitement Never Hurts...

A Little Excitement Never Hurts...

...or does it?


A Log by Lt.Jg. Aaron Westler, Ph.D.


It was a perfectly peaceful marketplace. It was almost like a vacation, except that 6(?) armed and dangerous crewmembers of the Arcadia were among the innocent citizens of Dantar doing their shopping.


Maybe dangerous was too strong a word, thought Westler to himself as he sat on a bench watching the rest of his party in case anything happened. Westler didn't know too much about what information they were looking for, only that it had something to do about the Thalonians they had encountered previously.


It was a miracle that none of the Danterians noticed Westler as he fidgeted and constant looked around. Under that hood, Aaron was nervous and sweating. It was his nature as a doctor to worry about his fellow crewmates.


As Aaron watched like a hawk, Lt. Marx lured away the target's outside guard and took him on a run through the alleys. Aaron grinned at the smoke bombs Marx had used, he would have to learn that from Marx someday.


Just as Marx returned from his escapade, the team interrogating the target inside reappeared and slowly made for the beam-out point. Aaron signaled to the rest of the crew to exit the marketplace slowly, and he was sure no one was going to follow them, he himself blended into the crowd exiting the area.




Lt.Jg. Aaron Westler

Assistant Medical Officer

USS Arcadia

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