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Relax? During yellow alert?

Murray started to scan the area and map the ionic field in order to find Romulan party-crashers. He was happy to have been part of something like that: a multi-department think-tank devoted to solving a problem and then doing it. No one seemed to have any qualms about a lowly ensign fresh out of the academy putting his two slips worth of latinum in.


It didn’t last long. About ten minutes into the scan, Commander Ridire had a thought. “Mr. Murray, how long have you been on duty?”


After a check of the time and a calculation he responded, “Six hours, sir. I’ve been on duty since I arrived.”


Six hours. That’s a tad long. Commander Ridire knew this and said so. “Mr. Murray, I want you to go off duty. If we go to red alert, we’ll want everyone at their best, and you need a break. Call a replacement to relieve you.”


After Murray’s replacement arrived on the bridge, he stepped into the turbolift. Where to go now. He decided on his quarters. He could use a nap. Besides, there weren’t likely to any people in the lounge at this time.


He entered his quarters, removed his uniform jacket, and went to the replicator for a glass of apple juice. He took to his sofa and closed his eyes, letting his mind unwind. As much as he would have preferred to stay on duty, he needed this.

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