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The Plot Thickens

Murray had been called to the bridge by Commander Shamor. If he had a guess, it would be to take over at tactical. He did have a guess, and he was right. He wondered why the Commander summoned him and not Lieutenant Flek. “Oh, wait, I’m the new guy,” he thought. Most likely it was for experience. You can’t be expected to do something well if you don’t do it at all. In any case, Murray would rather be up at tactical than watching security reports come in telling him that they’d found bubkus and listen to Flek wishing for a window.


Once on the bridge, Murray assumed tactical, Shamor being the only other person on the bridge after Mr. Hickok left. Oddly it felt better to be on the bridge scanning the area. His scans of the area were telling him the same thing that the security patrols of the ship were telling him. Or did they?


At one point, just for an incident, the sensors picked up something. A something on the scale of a subspace distortion. Murray’s knew what it was: Romulans. The computer disagreed, sort of. The computer couldn’t identify the cause of the phenomenon. It could be a ship, it could be ion particles. But Murray, had this feeling. You tend to when sitting deep in the Romulan Neutral Zone watching over another ship pull the remnants of the USS Pegasus from an asteroid. On Shamor’s order, not that he needed it, he brought shields and weapons to hot standby.


It was his first mission as an officer of Starfleet and the Reaent, and here he was watching for Romulans in search of a bullseye. The plot was thickening in a hurry. He made a mental note: don’t screw up.

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