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Level 2 D’Heno Alert


RES Talon ~ Registry# 2415


TO: All Department Heads

CC: Command Staff

FROM: Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak, Daise’D’Heno’Saehne

SUBJECT: Level 2 D’Heno Alert



Be advised that due to our close proximity to Lloann’na Outmarches, I have increased the D’heno Alert Level. Normally such matters would be inconsequential to au, I understand.


However, I thought au should be aware of several procedures that are in place at our current alert level. Au will note an increased presence of D’Heno in strategic positions rhae the Talon. For example, in Engineering, there will be at least two gaurds protecting the AQS and Etrehh at quii times. Extra d’heno will also be present rhae the Oira and Maenek bay.


Additionally, extra d’heno forcefields are in place around the most venerable ares of the vessel, including the etrehh.


While such measures may be an inconvenience for au and aur staff, the safety of the vessel is paramount to the D’heno.


Hann’yyo for your cooperation.

Edited by NDak

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