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Thoughts On 'Kir'Shara'

How would you rate the ninth episode of the fourth season?   9 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate the ninth episode of the fourth season?

    • Outstanding! Loved the plot and Trek tidbits throughout.
    • In a word: Fascinating
    • Eh, JAG was over so...
    • Hasn't someone killed someone else yet?
    • Captain Wesley to the rescue!

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Hey there,


Well, time to post your thoughts on the conclusion to the lastest three part Star Trek: Enterprise adventure.


For those who cannot recall, the end of the trilogy involved: "Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau attempt to bring the Kir'Shara — an artifact believed to contain Surak's original writings — to the Vulcan capital, as the NX-01 gets involved in a Vulcan-Andorian military clash.".


Personally, all three episodes together, I thought it was amazing. While it's true to a certain extent the purpose of these episodes is based in the actions of Vulcans since the start of the show, I believe it was an amazing glipse into the culture of this cornerstone Trek species. It was interesting to see simple things...many I'm certain some (due to age) didn't even catch. To actually see what Spock over thirty years described as "A teddy bear with teeth", to finally figure out why Mount Selea (know I'm spelling it wrong) is so important, why Vulcans up to this stage have been against mindmelds, etc.


I had to tape the episode and throughout, a relative was going "Your going to like the last thirty seconds.". Man were they right! I am impressed to see a very, very, very slow introduction of the villian that causes the UFP to be formed. In this episode, you can start to really see how the Andorians and the Vulcans begin to see Earth as...something other than a childish race.


From what I'm reading online about upcoming episodes, this is going to be one hell of a season once it' picks up in January. From visiting some place called Babel to meeting the person to invented the transporter, I think Star Trek: Enterprise is finally doing what it was meant to...explaining those gaps of Trek lore which have existed for thirty years.

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An awesome arc. Better than the Soong arc. Much better than most of Voyager, even. Incredible. Manny, I love you. You da man!

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YEah, great series, had me rivveted. Also liked the out come, and the way Enterprise is starting to fill in the gaps, as Fred said. Good stuff, hope they keep it up. :lol:

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Best plug I can offer.....it hooked my wife......


By far..some of the most interesting storylines to date.....


Finally...Enterprise gets its space legs............

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thought it was a well done trilogy. loved the end when the former Vulcan council leader was addressing that mysterious shadowed villian.......who's uniform looked postively...Romulan :lol:


Bring on the Rommies I say. gotta get that Romulan \ Earth War thing going :P

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Didn't see it. I had plans Friday night and had our company dinner on Sunday night.

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I saw it. I thought it was great. I had been waiting for four years to see some Romulans!

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