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He certainly is worth the Money

Lt.(Sg.) Koshic N’Dak

USS Arcadia

SD 0411.29




Koshic N’Dak materialized aboard the Arcadia, having had his fill of the planet below. His entire life he had been put through these gala affairs and had come to rather despise them- although dancing with Hayden Dacotah had been a serious plus to the event.


He made his was towards the TL at the end of corridor, running his hand along the smooth satiny walls of the Sovereign-class vessel, until he came to the TL.


“Bridge,” he said simply.


The TL took off with a gentle jolt and hummed as it headed towards the command center of the USS Arcadia. By now the information he had requested from D’N’K’Ra should have been in the pre-selected location—and if it weren’t he knew one Xenexian that was in deep trouble.


The lift halted and the doors swished open, running a gentle breeze of air past Koshic’s face. He stepped out onto the bridge, greeted by the delta shift workers. The ‘commanding’ officer, a young junior grade lieutenant, stood giving a respectful nod to Koshic.


“Officer on deck,” the young Bajoran said in reference to N’Dak’s presence.


“As you were,” Koshic said with a slight smile. It felt weird to be referred to in such a manor. He was used to the over formality of cadets but this was somehow more akward for him. He nodded to the young Bajoran, and the bridge went back into normal operations.


Seamlessly he walked over to the unmanned science station and tapped in a few things, accessing off-ship files.


With in a few moments he had been connected to a network on his home planet of Elasia. He tapped in his clearance access code… “NDak Beta 23 Omega Regent” and began looking through the files to locate the newest entry from D’N’K’Ra.


He hadn’t mentioned it to Lo’Ami—or anyone else—but he ans D’N’K’Ra were former associates, emphasis on former.


A few years ago, he was doing research into a “rumor” about the Dentarian homeworld. D’N’K’Ra was an information dealer, and a good one. If one needed to know something, he was your man—and N’Dak had contacted him to verify these “rumors” that he had heard.


Suffice to say D’N’K’Ra had proved very useful to N’Dak, and over the years he had come to be an excellent resource for N’Dak anytime he had ‘buisness’ in 221-H or 221-G. However, the last time they had worked together—the Dentarian Government had not appreciated it nearly as much as Koshic and it had almost escalated into a diplomatic disaster.


He looked over the information, satisfied with the completeness and attention to detail that D’N’K’Ra had paid. “He certainly is worth his price…”


An officer standing near N’Dak lifted an eye brow and looked at him quizzically.


“As you were, ensign,” N’Dak said dismissingly. Then returned to his work.


“Computer begin data transfer of all files selected to the Arcadia, Authorization NDak Beta 23 Omega Regent. Then send the files to Science Lab 6.”


The computer acknowledged with a beep and then began transferring the data. “Transfer will take an approximate 30 minutes.”


N’Dak nodded to the computer as if he were telling it okay. Then made his way to the turbolift.


“Science Lab 6”



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