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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away...

-<-<-Personal Log->->-

LtJg. Aaron Westler, Ph.D.

Assistant Medical Officer


Stardate 10410.15


Aaron sat deep in thought, barely paying attention to the data that was scrolling on the console in front of him. He had met Peyton in a turbolift minutes earlier, and she was not herself. She sounded cold, and a bit too professional. Something had happened to her, but he couldn't put his finger on it. A daydream set onto him, and he thought back to the times he had spent with Peyton. The dinner/ball on Paktar(Axaia? not sure), the times in ten-forward...she had seemed so happy those times.


Though he didn't really know had happened to her, Aaron decided to cheer her up. He stood up, and then stopped. What was he going to do? He stroked his chin thoughtfully, thinking through possible ideas and gifts. She seemed so glum and cold...and what better gift to give than to brighten her day? He looked around sickbay, and seeing that the nurses had the place under control, he took a quick walk around the deck to the botany lab. Seeing that the lab had a huge bunch of sunflowers in the corner, he asked a crewman if he could have one, and was given the OK. Grabbing a laser cutter, he sliced off one of ther bigger flowers, and walked out the door thanking the botanist.


Stopping at his quarters, Aaron found a spare PADD, and sat down to compose a note,


Just a gift, to brighten your day,

I hope this helps, and that I'm not in your'e way.


-The Doc


Aaron read and re-read it over and over as he walked down the corridor. Turning to walk into Main Engineering, he found an engineer, and asked him to put the flower and PADD somewhere where Peyton would find it when she got back from wherever she was. He walked out of the large room, hoping he hadn't just made a fool out of himself.....

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