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Pushing the Limits (and his luck)

Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak

CSEC | RES Talon

SD 0410.01




The gentle rap of well polished boots echoed down the corridors of the RES Talon. Thap, thap, thap, thap. And so on.


The man wearing the boots, had a grin on his face from pointed ear, to pointed ear—which for the owner of the boots, would have stricken anyio seeing the scene as most unusual, for he rarely, if ever, grinned so amused as he ambled down the corridors.


But for N’Dak he had good reason to be grinning. His meeting with tr’Psichore had gone exactly as he had hoped, in fact he couldn’t have scripted it better. While to some, and most likely tr’Psichore himself, the tone and language used during the meeting by N’Dak would have seemed indignant, even to the point of defiance—which of course it was.


The motive, however, was much more—devious. It was N’Dak testing just how far he could push this new Daise’Erei’Riov before he pushed to far. tr’Psichore had shown him just how far—and just how long of a leash he was planning on keeping N’Dak on.


This pleased N’Dak. He liked knowing the limits he could push too with his superiors. It gave him a tactical advantage. He knew what he could and couldn’t get away with, but his methods were such that his superiors or in the case of certain ios—adversaries—we’re unaware of just how far N’Dak himself would be willing to go. After all he was the “traitorous whipping boy.”


His grin widened slightly as a thought came to him. Perhaps, the scars on his back would come to be an advantage to him, a method of gaining the upper hand that he had not anticipated. The irony if it did, of course, would be hilarious. Considering that they had be created by t’Rexan in an effort to weaken N’Dak or as she put “teach him to na EVER defy her again.”


The grin quickly faded as he passed a subordinate D’Heno officer, and quickly returned to his more stoic, hardened demeanor that he had found effective in intimidating his subordinates. Not that he trusted anyio of them anyway though.


The real irony though, was that as much as he disliked t’Rexan, he found her methods—useful and appealing. Perhaps he and her were na so much unlike—although he knew neither of the two would ever dare admit to that.


As he rounded the bend in the corridor, heading towards the Main D’Heno office to make the final preparations for the assault, he cleared his mind from his ambitions and prides. He had learned io thing from the Squid incident—he could na allow his own ambition to interfere with getting the mission accomplished, or the safety of the crew.


That had been his mistake once, and it nearly cost him his life—he would na make it again.



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