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EarthQuake To Close to Home

29 posts in this topic

If Yellowstone were to blow the U.S. would get the worst of it. It is kind of scary that one of the deadliest Volcanoes in the world is right on our door step.



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If Yellowstone were to blow the U.S. would get the worst of it. It is kind of scary that one of the deadliest Volcanoes in the world is right on our door step.



Lava and Lahar's run down hill ;)


But don't worry to much, they don't expect Yellowstone to blow any time soon.


Actually, their is a list of the 10 Most Dangerous Volcano's in the World.


Two of which are in the US:


Mt. Rainer


Mt. St. Helens




Yellowstone is not included in this because the chances of it erupting again anytime soon are in the millions :)

Edited by NDak

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Earthquakes are like oil leakes. I don't need to worry when I have an oil leak. It's when the oil leak STOPS that I need to panic.

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