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Tuesday 9PM Academy Log

Academy Log Tue Sep 21 21:08:20 2004

21:08:29 STSF_Jami Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jorlis

21:08:36 STSF_Jami Stage Hand/ Gofer / Fill-in - STSF Jami

21:08:43 STSF_Jami Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Lt Graham

21:08:50 STSF_Jami Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Jon Marks

21:08:56 STSF_Jami Helm & Operations Officer (H/OPS) - Cadet Jackson

21:09:04 STSF_Jami Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Tachyon

21:09:11 STSF_Jami Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - recycle

21:09:28 STSF_Jami That is your crew, Captain. May the gods shine brightly on them.

21:09:43 STSF_Jorlis Shine? :\ What is this?

21:09:55 STSF_Jami ::chuckle:::

21:10:33 STSF_Jorlis -=/\=- STSF ACADEMY: MISSION BRIEFING FOR 09-21-04 -=/\=-

21:10:37 STSF_Jorlis An alien probe of unknown origin has been reported travelling through Sector 137. The USS Janus (Akira class) has been sent to investigate.

21:10:57 STSF_Jorlis -=/\=- BEGIN SIM -=/\=-

21:11:19 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::At his station checking sensors and position::

21:11:21 Lt._Graham <MXO>::exits the TL and steps onto the Bridge::

21:11:31 recycle <Asci>reporting in happyb-day

21:11:34 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Checking his console::

21:11:46 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks the trajectory of the alien probe of unknown origin::

21:12:06 Lt._Graham <MXO>::walks over and sits in the XO chair::

21:12:21 recycle <asci><csci>you need any help...

21:12:21 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Checks over the scans coming in from Science::

21:12:23 STSF_Jorlis <CO> ::Sitting in the center chair, looks over at Graham and nods::

21:12:41 Lt._Graham <MXO>::nods back respectably::

21:13:12 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO> Good Eievning sir

21:13:38 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Looks to the CSCI:: Do we have any preliminary scans coming in yet?

21:13:40 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>Good evening to you Mr. Jackson, how is teh Janus operating?

21:13:41 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Once we intercept the probe, you can help run a detailled analysis on it.

21:13:43 STSF_Jorlis <CO><HOPS> Helm, what's our status?

21:13:57 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>Not yet, I'm collecting some now but they are relatively primitive, just bare power readings.

21:14:06 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Captain our ETA to sector 137 is 5 minutes <MXO> All systems are functioning normally

21:14:13 recycle <Asci><csci>understood

21:14:24 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Should I have all departments report in?

21:14:33 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> We still have a lock on the probe?

21:14:53 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>Excellent. ::turns to his console and reviews the mission::

21:14:54 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Looks over his Console:: <CO> Aye sir, Long Range sensors are still locked on.

21:15:31 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>Getting more data, but still minimal. I'm having trouble getting anything solid on the probe, it appears to be reflecting our long range scans.

21:16:11 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Looks over the readouts:: <HOPS> Mr. Graham, can we boost power to the Long Range sensors?

21:16:18 STSF_Jorlis <CO><HOPS> ::Glances at XO:: Aye, proceed.

21:16:21 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> Aye sir

21:16:28 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Sounds like the probe doesn't want to be found Captain.

21:16:41 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::Boosts power::

21:16:50 STSF_Jorlis <CO><XO> How do you mean? ::Furrows brow::

21:17:07 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Watches the sensors improve by 10%:: <CSCI> You see anything?

21:17:14 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Reflecting our scans, sounds pretty xenophobic.

21:17:29 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> You now have more power sir +<DEPT>+ All department heads this is the bridge please report in

21:17:45 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Then again, it could just be the material it's constructed from.

21:17:50 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Sir we are coming up on the probe

21:17:54 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks scans:: I'm getting strange sensor ghosts. They aren't normal sensor ghosts, the sensor ghosts are almost like the probe has been split down the EM spectrum.

21:18:00 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><HOPS>Thank your Mr. Jackson.

21:18:12 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::Nods at TAC

21:18:13 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>I want you to run a spectral analysis on the probe as soon as we are in range.

21:18:21 Tachyon <CSCI><HOPS>Science reporting in.

21:18:24 STSF_Jorlis <CO><HOPS> Match its course and speed, but keep us at a distance.

21:18:33 recycle <Asci>:anaylsis now running sir..

21:18:39 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Eyes the readout:: Hmmm...

21:18:56 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Watches Security report in:: <HOPS> All Security report ready.

21:18:59 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>We're running a spectral analysis now.

21:19:04 Lt._Graham <MXO>::listens to what the crew is saying::

21:19:11 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks the sensor feedback:: Hmmmm...

21:19:26 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Aye sir, matching the course and speed keeping a safe distance

21:19:29 recycle <asci>i think we are close enough to run it..

21:19:45 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Good. Report your results to me as soon as you get them.

21:19:54 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Notices that the sensors are still not showing anything:: <CSCI> Hopefully they will.

21:20:22 recycle <asci><csci>ok

21:20:29 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Can you give me any basic data on the probe?

21:20:57 STSF_Jami <CMO> :::busies herself in sick bay:::

21:21:35 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC> ::Sighs deeply:: <CO> Only very basic sir. It appears to be 112 meters long and is reflectng our Long Range scans. Also a small build up of power can be seen, possibly from an Antimatter reaction.

21:21:40 STSF_Jami <CMO> :::humming as she works:::

21:21:42 recycle <Asci><csci>geting strange reading now..whats going on....

21:21:58 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Huh? ::checks the results:: That looks like some sort of ion discharge . . .

21:22:05 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>What do you make of it?

21:22:38 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Sir, we are in scanning distance of the probe

21:22:41 STSF_Jami <CMO> ::moves into medlab one to check some cultures:::

21:22:45 recycle <Asci><csci>:don't know sir....

21:23:01 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Reviews the results on his console:: <CO> It would now seem something similar to an Ion discharge is being detected.

21:23:08 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Any idea what it's carrying? Weapons, sensors?

21:23:21 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>Can you put it onscreen OPS?

21:23:21 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Shakes his head:: <CO> Negative sir.

21:23:41 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO> Yes sir, putting the probe on screen

21:23:45 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Overlay the discharge pattern on the EM analysis, let's see if there's some sort of correlation.

21:23:59 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::Puts it on screen::

21:24:07 Lt._Graham <MXO>::looks at the viewscreen, just to be able to see it::

21:24:13 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Notices a power build up on the outer hull.:: <CSCI> What do you make of that?

21:24:14 recycle <Asci><csci>:ok doing now sir..

21:24:22 Ens._Jon_Marks <Hull of the probe>

21:24:26 STSF_Jorlis <CO> ::Looks up at the image on the screen::

21:24:47 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>It could be the ions . . . but it looks like it's focused . . .

21:24:59 STSF_Jami <CMO> :::seated at a specimen table, she slips one culture under the scanner for a full bioscan:::

21:25:07 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> I don't know about you sir, but that doesn't look a probe of any federation member I know

21:25:33 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Any correlation between the EM emissions and the ion discharge pattern?

21:25:33 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Frowns at the lack of knowledge they have.:: <CO> Sir, until we can gain more knowledge on this probe, might I suggest Yellow Alert? We have no idea what this power build up could be related to.

21:25:47 STSF_Jami <CMO> :::watching the screen, speaking to no one in particular::: My, my..you *are* growing well, aren't you?

21:25:50 STSF_Jorlis <CO> No, it certainly doesn't seem to match the configuration of anything we've seen before.

21:26:01 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> I concur with the TAC, it may be unfriendly

21:26:02 recycle <Asci><csci>what that other stuff coming from probe looks green i'm not reading..

21:26:14 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Plus it's not sending out a Federation transponder signal.

21:26:44 STSF_Jorlis <CO> Well, let's not jump to conclusions. <TAC> Why don't we try a general hail?

21:26:50 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>The green indicates the gamma-ray emissions. I know, the colour coding on these 256 monitors is terrible. Starfleet needs to upgrade to 16-bit, maybe even 32 . . .

21:27:09 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>That power buildup is a gamma-ray emission, it's related to the ion discharge somehow.

21:27:09 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO>Aye sir. ::Presses a button:: Channel open sir.

21:27:42 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::Moniters channel, listening for anything strange::

21:27:45 Lt._Graham <MXO><CSCI>The monitors will be getting upgraded Tuesday.

21:28:01 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Send them the general greeting package.

21:28:11 Tachyon <CSCI><MXO>Great. We can finally differentiate a pink phaser discharge from a red general hail.

21:28:13 STSF_Jami <CMO> :::notes growth factor in her medical log:::holds the sample up to the light::: But *what* are you is the question. ::tilting it this way and that in an attempt to view something that will give it an identity:::

21:28:22 Tachyon <CSCI><MXO>It might avoid a few more diplomatic incidents . . . ::remembers::

21:28:32 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Taps a few buttons and the "Hello, we are Starfleet, we come in peace" message come out::

21:29:09 Tachyon <<But "we come in peace" is obviously an offensive term somewhere . . . >>

21:29:17 Ens._Jon_Marks <<LOL>>

21:29:25 STSF_Jorlis <CO><XO> Anything new from science?

21:29:29 recycle <asci><csci>oh ,what heck sir readings just stoped..wow going on off..

21:29:36 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>What?

21:29:45 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>We just stopped getting sensor readings . . .

21:30:05 STSF_Jorlis <CO> ::Glances back at Tac::

21:30:06 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Continues looking at readouts:: I... Mr. Jackson, can you give us more power?

21:30:07 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> I have stopped getting readings as well

21:30:21 Tachyon <CSCI><XO>Sir, the sensors are not reading the probe anymore . . . it's there, but we can't determine any of its properties . . .

21:30:21 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> I can try to

21:30:28 Lt._Graham <MXO>::hears CSCI:: <CO> Apparently not Captain. Except that we have lost any further readings.

21:30:31 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> Boosting power to Maximum

21:30:40 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Tries changing sensor alignments to compensate::

21:30:45 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> You should have at least 20% more power

21:30:47 Tachyon <CSCI><HOPS>Can you try to boost the resolution too? I've an idea . . .

21:31:19 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> Yes sir ::Boosts resolution power:: Resolution increased by 15%

21:31:36 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> What are you thinking chief?

21:31:56 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks:: Ah hah! <TAC/XO>The probe is masking its particles at such a fine degree that our sensors couldn't detect them . . . the increased resolution has helped us get past this somewhat.

21:31:59 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Should I go to 10-Forward and look out the window Captain? ::laughs briefly at own stupid joke::

21:32:29 recycle <Asci>::gets shock from panel yell fall out of chair ..

21:32:29 STSF_Jorlis <CO><XO> ::Raises eyebrow:: Well, we could always gather visual reports if it comes to that.

21:32:31 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Frowns at the readouts:: <CSCI> Are you saying it is a adapting to our scans?

21:32:34 Lt._Graham <MXO><CSCI>Good work, any new information?

21:32:38 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> I think I may be able to increase it some more sir by diverting power from non essential systems

21:32:41 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>I don't know . . .

21:32:57 Tachyon <CSCI><MXO>The probe may be adapting to our scans, perhaps it has a defensive AI program of some sort.

21:33:01 STSF_Jami <CMO> :::retrieves another culture:::

21:33:05 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Takes a deep breath and continues to eye the probe on the viewer::

21:33:20 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Can you give me an idea of the internal layout? Will our sensors penetrate the hull?

21:33:21 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::Takes power from sonic showers <CSCI> Resolution increased by another 15%

21:34:08 recycle <Asci><csci>gets up no want my station going dead sir..

21:34:11 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> Better now chief?

21:34:19 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>Shut down the Holodecks as well.

21:34:20 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Has there been any reaction to our hails?

21:34:25 Tachyon <CSCI><HOPS>Yes, much better . . .

21:34:40 Lt._Graham <MXO>::reschedules those who lost time, gives them time and a half::

21:34:44 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO> ::Shuts down the holodecks <CSCI> Power increased by 30%

21:34:48 Tachyon <CSCI>::taps the ASCI's console:: Great . . . I told them that the pink bunny only works for AC connections . . .

21:34:53 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO> None sir. ::Looks is readouts:: In fact, the probe is now emitting a reflection of our own hails and scans.

21:34:56 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> Its as clear as its gonna get chief

21:35:09 Tachyon <<Holodeck User> ::falls face first into the holodeck floor::>>

21:35:28 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Try the other science console. I'm pretty sure they used DC for that one, but you can't be too sure.

21:35:36 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Doesn't want to talk either.

21:35:51 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>+CMO+ Doctor, Holodeck 4 is reporting an accident.

21:35:52 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>We can't penetrate it's hull, either.

21:35:53 recycle <asci><csci>sir what happen now i don't see probe on scaners..

21:35:59 STSF_Jorlis <CO><XO> Interesting. But it's only defending itself so far. We can't assume it's hostile.

21:36:04 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO/CO> SIrs I have a theory

21:36:17 Lt._Graham <MXO>::turns toward HOPS::

21:36:24 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Indeed, we're having trouble with its refractive capabilities. Try adjusting to filter out certain particle types.

21:37:00 recycle <Asci> adjusting now..

21:37:05 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Continues looking at scans::

21:37:11 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO/CO> Well according to the TAC its reflecting our sensors, maybe just maybe this probe is a welcome package of sorts, like the ones Earth sent out two hundred years ago

21:37:30 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Listens to the HOPS::

21:37:31 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>Can you trace it's trajectory backward, give me a general idea of the direction it came from?

21:37:41 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO/CO> It could be designed to scan us, and then eventually send a welcome greeting of some sort just like we did


21:37:54 STSF_Jorlis <CO><HOPS> But why would it deflect our sensors and hails?

21:38:06 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>We could try to send it our language database Captain.

21:38:14 STSF_Jami ROSTER UPDATE - AMO = STSF Jami

21:38:24 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>It may not have adapted yet.

21:38:35 STSF_Jorlis <CO><XO> That should have been included in our general hail. ::Looks back at TAC::

21:38:37 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Checks the original sensor logs:: <CSCI> It would appear it came from somewhere towards the Delta Quadrent, no other information is available.

21:38:50 EEH <CMO>+XO+Reporting for duty sir

21:39:00 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC><HOPS> Can we determine it's intended heading?

21:39:04 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO> Nothing at all as been recieved sir.

21:39:04 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Scan the structural integrity of the probe's hull.

21:39:19 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> I will try sir

21:39:34 STSF_Jami <AMO> :::logging culture progress in medlab one:::

21:39:35 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS>::Scans::

21:39:36 recycle <Asci>::still shaken from shock trys get up and tell<csci>its trying to work but falls on floor..

21:39:41 Lt._Graham <MXO>+CMO+Understood, we call you if we need you Doctor.

21:40:07 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Sir...it appears to be headed for sector 001, But not to Earth..but Mars

21:40:20 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Checks the tradjectory:: <CO> Judging from its speed and its tradjectory... It is going towards 001. Mars Station.

21:40:47 STSF_Jorlis <CO> ::Blinks:: <XO> Interesting.

21:40:51 EEH <CMO>::Stacks and restacks the supplies inside sickbay::

21:40:55 recycle <asci><csci>whats going on

21:41:16 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>I don't know. The probe is on course for Mars . . . I need a structural integrity scan, please.

21:41:16 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Maybe...it did come from the Delta Quadrant and it was sent by one of the species the "Voyager" encountered while there

21:41:42 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Sees a secondary flare up of Ionic Emissions:: <CSCI> What is that?

21:41:50 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> I can scan it to see whether it matches any of the Delta Quadrant species

21:42:13 Lt._Graham <MXO><HPS>Go ahead OPS.

21:42:26 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO> Aye sir

21:42:31 recycle <Asci><csci>i think i'm ok but if i fall down again call doc.. trying to scan..

21:42:36 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS> ::Scanning using the database::

21:42:37 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks::<TAC>Some sort of ion discharge again . . . random intervals it appears, but they are related to those gamma emissions.

21:42:52 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>I think that if we determine what those gamma emissions are, we can solve a large portion of this mystery.

21:42:54 EEH <CMO>Computer, activate EMH ::Beep beep:: <EMH>Can you clean the biobeds, I must report to the bridge

21:42:57 STSF_Jami <AMO> ::in medlab one, singing to the cultures::: Life forms, life forms, tiny little life forms...

21:43:31 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO/CO> SIr's, I have scanned the probe...it bears the signature of a species known as the...Malon

21:43:41 Lt._Graham <MXO><CSCI>Do we know anything about its engine capability?

21:44:06 STSF_Jorlis <CO><HOPS> A known species? ::Furrows brow:: What do we know about them?

21:44:09 Tachyon <CSCI><MXO>Only that it can travel at high warp velocities and is generating ions and gamma emissions. If we figure out why, we may have more insight.

21:44:23 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Notices the Ionic Emissions are giving up a radioactive isotope:: <CO>Sir, it would appear the Ion emissions are combined with low grade radioactive emissions.

21:44:31 Tachyon <CSCI><MXO>I'm attempting to get a scan of its structural integrity to see how well it's holding up under the stress of warp flight.

21:44:49 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> According to Admiral Janeways reports they are an ecomomically based society, they fought with Voyager briefly in 2375 but then signed an accord with them

21:44:54 EEH <CMO><AMO>Help me restack these hyposprays, will you?

21:44:58 Lt._Graham <MXO>::nods to CSCI:: <CSCI> ok

21:45:03 recycle <Asci>oh my head..<csci>scan not reading much i'm reading its on top of us sir..

21:45:36 STSF_Jami <AMO> ::in medlab one, working:::

21:45:42 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> They transport waste to uninhabited planets, if I am reading this correctly they send out probes like this one to see if a planet is suitable for dumping

21:45:50 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>Apparently we can't glean too much structural information. But the probe is holding up remarkabley well . . .

21:46:03 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><HOPS> And it wants to dump on Mars Station???

21:46:11 EEH <CMO>Hmmmm........I wonder if they need me on the bridge.......Computer deactivates EMH ::Is in Medlab 3:: <AMO>Come here boy

21:46:16 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> I hate to say it but I think TAC is right

21:46:19 STSF_Jorlis <CO> A garbage truck? ::Raises eyebrow at XO::

21:46:32 STSF_Jami <AMO> ::;therefore can not hear CMO unless the comm is used :-) :::

21:46:40 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>The Terran system is anything but unhinhabited.

21:46:45 Tachyon <CSCI><HOPS>But a probe would take many years to travel from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant, wouldn't it?

21:46:55 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> They might know that

21:46:55 recycle <Asci>csci>are you geting scan sir..

21:46:58 EEH <<Is the Medlabs that far away?? :( >>

21:47:15 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> Thats what I am wondering

21:47:16 Tachyon <<The AMO soundproofed it awhile back>>

21:47:21 STSF_Jami <<they are structurally secure in case of emergency leakage>

21:47:27 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Yes, I'm getting scans, just not very good ones.

21:47:31 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>Maybe it will change course again then.

21:47:35 Tachyon <<That's your official statement, eh Jami? :D >>

21:47:41 EEH <CMO>::Calls again relizing that the AMO did not hear:: +AMO+Come here

21:48:10 STSF_Jami <AMO> ::looks up::: +CMO+ On my way.

21:48:11 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><MXO> They may not have any way to control it

21:48:15 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Looks to CSCI:: Could these emissions be a part of a radioactive dump?

21:48:29 Tachyon <CSCI><HOPS/TAC>So the probe has travelled thousands of light-years in a matter of months? It has been incredibly lucky somehow . . .

21:48:42 Lt._Graham <MXO><HOPS>Then hopefully it's smart enough to turn on its own.

21:48:48 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>The gamma emissions could, but the ions wouldn't. There wouldn't be this much decay, usually it's theta radiation.

21:48:51 EEH <CMO><AMO>Help me stack these supplies will you? ::Stack one space-sealed box on top of another::

21:48:54 STSF_Jami <AMO> :::secures the cultures she has been logging, hangs up her labcoat and exits the lab:::

21:48:57 STSF_Jorlis <CO><CSCI> Maybe it used a transwarp conduit or something similar?

21:48:58 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC> <CSCI> Could of come through a worm hole, a warp conduet, who knows?

21:49:12 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> according to the database, the Malon, stole some Borg Technology in 2376 and have transwarp cabability

21:49:16 Tachyon <CSCI><CO>Like I said, that sort of thing isn't your run-of-the-mill occurrence . . .

21:49:26 recycle <Asci><csci> ::you reading that sir ,lots power whats that its got color lights..

21:49:48 Tachyon <CSCI>::looks at his ASCI, raises eyebrow::

21:49:52 STSF_Jami <AMO> :::approaching EEH::: Certainly, Doctor. :::begins stacking boxes:::

21:50:11 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Sir, at its present speed it would take at least 25 years to get to Mars, and it doesn't appear to be a threat

21:50:33 STSF_Jorlis <CO><HOPS> Well, either way, I don't approve of Mars being used a dump. <XO> Suggestions?

21:50:36 EEH <CMO>::finishes stacking the boxes::<AMO>You may go now ::Sits at desk, takes out a PADD and begins taking calculation::

21:50:38 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>We still need to figure out why the ion discharges are present at random intervals . . .

21:50:51 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO>Sir, maybe the easiest route to go would be to destroy the probe and whatever it is hauling here?

21:50:52 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>We can't let the Malon dump near Federation space. tractor beam to alter it's trajectory?

21:51:13 recycle <Asci><csci>::not sure not reading anything sir..

21:51:23 STSF_Jami <AMO><CMO> Doctor EEH, I thought you might want to take a look at culture B35. It's shown some remarkable growth in the last 24 standard hours.

21:51:30 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Do we even know for sure what it is hauling? ::Glances at science::

21:51:45 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>I'm getting the ion discharges, but they are inexplicable . . . try every conceivable scan pattern you can think of, we need some results . . .

21:51:46 Lt._Graham <MXO><CO>Put it on a reciprocal course maybe, send it back to the Malon.

21:51:46 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><TAC> That may not be a good idea, if this probe had transwarp ability we have to assume the Malon do to, they could come after us if they find out

21:51:54 Tachyon <CSCI>::has his back turned to CO::

21:52:12 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Let's get our tractor beam on it.

21:52:13 Tachyon <CSCI><HOPS>How would they know that it was destroyed though?

21:52:14 EEH <CMO><AMO>Oh yes, of course. Hmmm......::walks over to the holding cell:: very interesting don't you think? Look at how they colonize

21:52:39 Tachyon <<That is, unless they have become the Malon Collective . . . >>

21:52:47 Tachyon <<We are the Malon, you will be trashed . . .>>

21:52:57 Lt._Graham <<that's alot of baggage for the Borg to carry>>

21:52:58 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC> <CO> Ayes sir. ::Puts the tractor beam on him::

21:53:03 EEH <CMO>::Taps PADD, taking notes on the creatures::<AMO>Look there ::Points:: Look at it

21:53:10 Ens._Jon_Marks <<Errr... On the probe, not the CO lol>>

21:53:30 STSF_Jami <AMO><CMO>Yes. ::looking at the culture readouts, as the culture is in medlab one::: Yes, Doctor. Do you think it's anything we should report?

21:53:53 STSF_Jami <AMO> :::looks:::

21:54:09 EEH <CMO>::looks on with amazement as the creatures begin to colonize together:: <AMO> Of course, of course ::Taps PADD::

21:54:10 STSF_Jorlis ACTION: The probe deflects the tractor beam

21:54:20 recycle <asci><csci>its opening up sir is thats gas coming out sir i geting new scans..

21:54:25 STSF_Jorlis ACTION: Janus shudders and power flickers

21:54:37 Lt._Graham <MXO>::looks up at flickering lights::

21:54:38 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Watches the station flicker::

21:54:40 STSF_Jami <AMO> ::looks up as the lights blink:::

21:54:43 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>The tractor beam appears to be destabilizing because of those ion discharges!

21:54:54 EEH <CMO><AMO>::Sees the AMO looking on, shakes in front of camera::

21:54:54 STSF_Jami <AMO> I'll secure the labs, doctor.

21:55:00 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>Get me a scan of the interior if you can while that probe is open, quickly! ::excited::

21:55:04 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> Sir, we are loosing power, it may be because of the probe, I suggest we alter course sir

21:55:08 EEH <CMO><AMO>Yes, do that, I will be on the bridge

21:55:23 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO> Power drains being reported throughout the ship, Phasers down 38%, Shields down 54%

21:55:36 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> Tractor beam offline. <HOPS> Give us some more distance.

21:55:46 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Shuts down the beam::

21:55:54 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> ::Goes to a distance of 150 KL

21:56:10 Lt._Graham <MXO><CSCI>Is the probe transmitting anything else, like toward the Delta Quadrant?

21:56:11 EEH <CMO>::Walks out of Sickbay and into the TL:: Bridge!! ::Exits onto the bridge, watches the ongoing situation:: I best not get in the way ::Goes back to Sickbay::

21:56:35 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>If a tractor beam won't work, what about a torpedo detonation in the vicinity of the probe? Can we make it alter course by the shockwave?

21:56:41 recycle <Asci>csci>::oh my head again face turns different color.. station goes dark..asci passes out..

21:56:44 Lt._Graham <MXO><CSCI>Communicating back to the Malon perhaps?

21:56:50 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> The power levels are stabalizing

21:56:59 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks scans:: <MXO>Negative, sir. Gamma radiation is not conducive to long range transmissions.

21:57:12 Lt._Graham <MXO>+CMO+Doctor, to the Bridge.

21:57:14 Tachyon <CSCI>::checks the ASCI:: <ASCI>Uh . . . are you all right?

21:57:16 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Checks the torpedos:: <CSCI> That would be possible. <CO> Permission to detonate a torpedo to shift the probe?

21:57:17 STSF_Jorlis <CO> ::Frowns:: <CSCI> But wouldn't the probe be programmed to take any course alterations into account?

21:57:32 Tachyon <CSCI><ASCI>You do realize that you're going to get a doctor to examine you now . . . are you sure you want that?

21:57:39 EEH <CMO>::Sits down at desk, looking at the new design of hypospray that just came in:: Hmmm.......very interesting +MXO+I was just there, what did I miss ::walking to the TL::

21:57:40 recycle <asci>does not respond

21:57:44 Tachyon <CSCI><CO>Then why did we try to alter its course with a tractor beam?

21:58:01 Tachyon <CSCI>::sighs:: Fifth ASCI I've lost this week . . .

21:58:05 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CSCI> We tried that, it simply deflected it

21:58:06 STSF_Jorlis <CO><CSCI> I just tried to stop it so we could give it a closer look. <TAC> Let's give it a shot.

21:58:11 EEH <CMO>Bridge!!! ::exits onto the bridge:: <MXO>Reporting for duty sir!

21:58:15 Lt._Graham <MXO>+CMO+Enough, we havew a situation with ASCI. Get up here now.

21:58:25 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Eyes gleam as he turns off the Torpedo Safeties::

21:58:31 Tachyon <CSCI><CMO>The ASCI's over here . . . breathing and alive, but nonresponsive.

21:58:45 STSF_Jorlis <CO><CSCI> I want to avoid destroying it unless we know, for sure, what it's hauling.

21:58:48 Tachyon <CSCI><TAC>I'm just worried about those ion emissions . . .

21:58:56 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS><CO> We may be able to send out a deflector beam and simply disable it sir

21:59:03 EEH <CMO><MXO>Here sir! ::Looks over at ASCI:: <CSCI>Right on it ::Walks over and brings out tricorder::

21:59:04 Tachyon <CSCI><CO>As long as we detonate it away from the probe, it should only suffer minor damage from the shockwave.

21:59:05 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Sets the Photon to explode thirty KM from the probe, shifting it out:: <CO> Torpedo set to explode 30 KM off the left part of the probe.

21:59:14 recycle <Asci><csci>from his station a shock hits csci..

21:59:21 EEH <CMO><CSCI>What happened to him??

21:59:38 STSF_Jorlis <CO><TAC> ::Nods::

21:59:39 EEH <CMO>::Shudders::

21:59:49 Lt._Graham <MXO>::looks toward teh VS::

21:59:59 STSF_Jami <<Recycle, only AaGM can action that :-) >>

22:00:17 recycle oops

22:00:27 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC>::Fires the Torepdo, 300 KM from the Probe::

22:00:34 Tachyon <CSCI>::gets readings::

22:00:38 EEH <CMO><CSCI>What happened here? ::Takes out hypospray and injects Kelotane::

22:00:54 EEH <CMO><CSCI>I'll need to take him to Sickbay, if that's alright

22:00:59 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO> Explosion in ten... nine... eight...

22:01:20 Tachyon <CSCI><CMO>Some sort of shock or something? I don't know, he just started feeling woozy . . .

22:01:28 Tachyon <CSCI><CMO>Take him to sickbay, let me know when he recovers please . . .

22:01:29 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC> 7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

22:01:30 STSF_Jorlis ACTION: The probe suddenly diverts course to meet the torpedo

22:01:40 Cadet_Jackson <HOPS>::Puts more distance between the Janus in the probe::

22:01:42 Tachyon <CSCI>::raises eyebrow:: The probe has a deathwish.

22:01:47 Ens._Jon_Marks <TAC><CO> The probe shifted!

22:02:04 EEH <CMO>::Picks up ASCI and takes him into the turbolift:: Sickbay ::exits and takes him into Sickbay:: +AMO+Assist me, will you? ::Puts recycle onto a biobed::

22:02:05 STSF_Jorlis ACTION: The probe goes kaboom and a shockwave hits Janus....

22:02:12 STSF_Jorlis -=/\=- PAUSE SIM -=/\=-

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