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Enterprise season 4

What Episodes are you looking forward to?   9 members have voted

  1. 1. What Episodes are you looking forward to?

    • The Season Pilot?
    • The three part episode with Brent Spiner?
    • The Three part episode of the Vulcan civil war?

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32 posts in this topic
My character thus rejects pacifism because once you adopt the philosophy that killing or causing destruction is always wrong, even in self-defense, your only other options are to run or hide.

No, there's a third option. You can stand your ground and get killed. It may not be a very attractive option, but it exists.

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actually, to partly answer my own question, he'd (maybe she, just for fun) probobly be a Romulan. Althought he could be considered a humanist (people like Surak), the fact that he does not belive in fruitful ideals that do not exist, and tells it as it is, makes him more like a Romulan (they broke off from Surak's teachings when he said they should not fight to defend themselves)

That is actually not why the Romulans left...at least as far as we know.


The Romulans left, mostly because they felt that the passion of the people was being killed. s'Task (in most incarnations) was a student of Surak. And felt that it better to leave than cause a senseless ideolgical war.


Although this does come down to the reletive pacafism of the Vulcan people; it was more about the passion in which life itself was embraced.

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Vosh and I were talking the other day and he brought up a proposterous notion....


He claimed the Rihans never left Vulcan..that the Rihans drove the Vulcans off to Vulcan...he said the fact the Rihan was a much better planet proved his point...I was not amused...


then he said just kidding....I swear I do not understand the fascination with jokes...


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There is one theory I saw on startrek.com, although I don't know anyone who believes it as it is clearly not canon, that the Vulcans and Romulans were always separate races. The theory goes that two separate intelligent races with pointed ears, one race with a forehead ridge and one race without, evolved on the same planet at the same time. Maybe they had a common ancestor, maybe they didnt, I don't remember. But the point is they coexisted for some time until the race with ridges decided to leave.


Like I said, no one believes this, but it did appear on startrek.com which makes it somewhat "official".

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The writers of the Vulcan Civil War said that the story comes from tales from the Original Series, The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager. All of the series said that the Vulcans went through their greatest change during the 22nd century.


Ensign Jerry Graham

Assistant Engineer


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I also beleive that a lot of people that are not TREK fans will wanna watch the civil war. I know a lot of people that are very excited about the Spiner episodes. They all stopped being fans after The Next Generation. This just might bring them back into the TREK universe.


Ensign Jerry Graham

Assistant Engineer


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