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A final meeting...

September 11th, 2154, 1400 hours.



Ensign Jon Marks stood gazing out at the San Fransisco Bay, a small but sad smile on his face. "Well," he thought, "looks like this is the last I will see of here for a while."


Jon sighed and sat down on the bench outside of Starfleet Headquarters awaiting the arrival of the ground transport to take him to the space transport bound for the Mars Dry dock. There, he would be serving on his first Starship, the NX-Challenger. A combination of joy and anxiety swept over him as he thought about the ship. It was a honor to be able to serve on the NX class ship, but part of him was still sad he would have to leave home so far behind. His friends, his mother, his father... All gone. Suddenly a voice broke his train of thought. "Hey partner, you busy?"


Jon whipped around to see his father Tom Marks walk up to him. In his late 50s, Tom carried himself strongly but open. Jon got up but Tom motioned him back down and sat next to him. "Dad," Jon said, "what are you doing here?"


A faint smile broke out over Tom's lips. "What, you think you were going to go galaxy hopping without seeing your old man one last time?"


Jon smiled as well as Tom looked out into the bay. "Although son... I have to be honest with you. I kind of wish you would of pursued a career in Interpol..."


Jon sighed aloud. "Dad... We have discussed this... I just don't..."


Tom raised a hand and cut his son off. "I know Jonny... And I also know that whatever you choose in your life will be what ends up being best for you. Heh... Its just funny though. My whole life, I spent it at home protecting it from the influence and danger of the outside. Now, it almost is like you will be the influence to hundreds of worlds and they might see you as a danger. But... I know it is different. We are explorers, not warriors."


Jon nodded his head and gazed at his father who continued talking. "We humans always have been explorers, never content on staying in one place. From Columbus to Cochrine, we always wanted to explore the unknown. Even your Great-great- ETC. Grandfather settled the West. And from him to now, we continue to explore the unknown. So with that being said, I have a gift for you."


Tom reached into his jacket and pulled out a small hermetically sealed box. He handed it to Jon who peered at the transparent aluminum that covered the top of it. "A gun?" Jon inquired.


"That, my boy, is the same Gun, Knife, and Bullets your ancestor used in settling the west. He passed it down to his son who passed it down to his and finally, I am passing it to you." Tom handed the case to Jon who took it in his hands. "I want you to have it now as a symbol of what you represent. Not just of you, but of your family, your planet, and your species."


Jon looked at the box and looked back to his Dad as a gust of air signified the arrival of the ground transport. Jon and Tom stood up as the transport began to land. "Dad," Jon said, "I don't know what to say..."


Tom grabbed his son in a hug. "How about I love you," Tom said to Jon.


As the the two hugged, Tom whispered a final thing into Jon's ear. "Regardless of what happens or what anyone says, I am proud of you and so is your mother. We love you and we know you will be special."


Tom finally let his son go and Jon turned to get on the transport. He took one last look at his Dad and smiled before entering and looking forward to what the future would hold...

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