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Out of the frying pan, and into the fire

Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak

CSEC | RES Talon

SD 0408.30




N’Dak exited the transporter room and moved slowly towards the turbolift. His breathing was still quite labored and the pain in his sides intense. However, he had more things to worry about than getting to the Maenek bay.


He had to find t’Rexan and ‘brief’ her of the blob situation on the planet below. While he knew she would want a full report filled on the matter, and he would make sure that happened, he also knew she would want to be informed of their presence ASAP.


The irony of the entire situation, though, was almost enough to make N’Dak stop and howl in the floor, that is, if he could get back up from rolling in the floor. Here he had been killing himself to get BACK on the Talon—a ship that had nearly done him in so many times it was na even funny.


But the alternative wasn’t exactly cushy either. Those blob things were almost worse than the ‘Squids.’ The very thought of either angered him to the point of killing some io.


N’Dak, at this moment, wanted to take an entire imperial legion of elite Rei'Krannsu (Literally: ‘Army of the Declared’) and wipe those hnaev, smelly, white, grotesque blobs from the Bkhell'gyum they came from and send them straight to Areinnye.


His goal would be simple, to reciprocate the aehkhifv that he had endured to the blobs, that is, if the foul things were even able to feel pain.


Now, thanks to tr’Vosh, he even had an excuse to go after them—revenge. Na that he particularly cared about io yy’a, and personally did na care for the llaudh nei'rrh in question—but he could use it as leverage for his own personal wrath upon the wretched blobs.


By now, N’Dak had finally reached the lift and had staggered his way inside. To his reckoning, there would be only io place t’Rexan would be… “Oira,” he said simply as the doors closed.


He leaned back against the lift wall catching his breath. Much to his displeasure, sickbay undoubtedly was his next stop after his little ‘chat’ with t’Rexan. Only two places on the Talon did he hate to be in more than Engineering—the presence of t’Rexan and Sickbay. Funny he’d been spending a lot of time around things he loathed lately.



Edited by NDak

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