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El’Arrain Lerak Pexil

El’Arrain Lerak Pexil posted to RES Talon on 8/14/97


971016 Bronze Good Conduct Medal

980312 Service Stripe (25 sims)

010329 Service Stripe (50 sims)

010329 Promoted to rank of Arrain

010228 Service Stripe (75 sims)

020417 Merit Award

020425 Merit Award

020502 Bronze Good Conduct Medal

020912 Service Stripe (100 sims)

021017 Bronze Good Conduct Medal

030123 Promoted to rank of El'Arrain

030313 Service Stripe (125 sims)

030403 Bronze Good Conduct Medal

040108 Service Stripe (150 sims)


Currently at 168 sims

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