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Hann'yyo crew of the RES Talon

My fellow Rihans,


I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for your patience over the last several months in regard to my keeping up to date with ranks, awards and promotions. As many of you know, we've been without an XO for a while now, and I've had several severe injuries that have greatly curtailed my computer usage due to the inability to sit in front of the silly machine for spans of time. Since the end of January alone, I've had 3 broken sacral vertebrae, 3 broken ribs, severe head trauma resulting from two concussions, and now a broken shoulder and possibly a torn rotator cuff, it's been a bit of a rough year, not to mention the painkillers that keep me a bit drowsy in the evening and only somewhat coherent during some of our sims! LOL. Anyway, since I can't paddle my kayak right now, I had time this weekend, to go back and pull out all our records and have finally put straight those items I was either lax on, or ...back when I had the head injury...have no idea how I mis-added so many of the columns.


Also, several of you have been great in regard to the sim plots, and have let t'Rexan demote/promote/strip you of rank ect, over and over again for the sake of the story. However, this has led to confusion by players as to what your real ranks are, especially those interested in possibly applying for a GM post sometime in the future. So, I have listed your "correct ranks" and will let you see them all now. Don't worry, this is one thing that I DO keep good track of, even if for the sake of the story, you haven't seen it. This doesn't mean I won't demote you again....it's t'Rexan's thing to be paranoid and do so. In fact, I found some simlogs from 2002, where I demoted t'Temarr not only from Arrain to Ne'Arrain, but 2 weeks later, down to Erein. So don't feel bad t'Aejhae and N'Dak.....your in good company!! I'm going to see if we can get an archive file for the Talon, and post them there for you to read some of our older stuff. Anyway, the posts to follow here on the boards, will list each of your current ranks, awards and promotions. If you notice that I left off a Merit Award, let me know, as I have to directly pull them from the logs and my have missed one or two. If you see one you think was missed, we'll pull that week's log and check it out.




Khre'Riov L'hai t'Rexan

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