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Looking down from above

tRexan stood looking out of the window of her chambers, at the cloud covered planet below. The crew, scattered across three continents, with various terrains. It will be a challenge just to get through the areas where they are, but add to it, the water passage they will have to undertake, and the mission becomes daunting. Let alone the fact, that she was sending her khellian, her hunter after them, to keep them on their toes more sharply.


Fleetingly, she looked across her desk at the reports she had been working on, then back to the planet. Several of them still sported the deep wounds of their punishment, but they were at least alive. Well, 3 of the 4 were, and she obviously hadn't deserved to have lived. The others at least fought to stay alive, and would be all the stronger and better officers for it. If they didn't try to yy'a her first. Then again, that was what they had tried to do in the first place, but that was now past. As far as she was concerned, they had paid for their transgression, and she was going to give each of them, a second chance. However, they wouldn't get a third. As for if the rest of the crew accepted them back, that was up to the crew.


She was also putting in commendations for others of the crew, for their part in retaking the ship, fighting the Squids, handling of the Lloann'na crew and th'ann, and for her own rescue. The last almost suprised her, as those which had rescued her, had also been some of biggest detractors. Still, she hoped they would survive this test. The planet had been recently reported to have been the site of the disappearance of another crew that had been testing survival skills, but no reason or cause had been found. Time would tell....

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