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Saek tr'Vosh

Roughing it

Vosh lay in the tall grass...he needed to rest..if only for a moment..he had been running non-stop for what felt like hours. The good part about being by alone was there was noone to slow him down or mooch his supplies. The bad part...well...come to think of it..there wasnt a bad part. He had the meat and some fruit he had found and plenty of water...what would be the use of a companion. In fact, those who linked up would leave more of a trail for the t'psy-cho to follow. Who needed a travel-mate?


The wind blew cool over Vosh...his body drenched with sweat from trying to evade those pesky biting flies. They had stayed up with him for nearly 10 minutes before finally falling back. He stared up at the clouds in the sky...so peaceful....so serene...so...............................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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