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Hello all

Hello all I'm new here but not new to simming. I've been on and off with it for a few years. Anything I should be aware of or cautious towards? Where should I start? I'll be attending the academy chat tonight.

Edited by Botswana

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HEy, since you state that you are not new to simming, you should be able to adpat quite quickly here. Refer to our Help section for tips and graduation requirements. Good luck in academy. Also, check the schedule page too seee when our academies take place. You can attend the academies which fit your schedule, and of course, you can attend as much academies as you can. :D

Edited by Seiben

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Jolan Tru.


Since Hans rolled out the welcome mat, again....I'll just say hey and hope to see you around the sims :D

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Thanks, I read over the help and rules sections. Are either of you instructors at the academy?

Hey there,


The Academy sims are run by GMs of STSF. You can get a complete list of who is a GM and who isn't by take a glance at the About Us section of the website. In addition, GMs posting on the boards normally have it mentioned near the name/avatar. :D


Welcome to STSF! Hope you enjoy yourself. :)

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Hello and welcome to STSF. Hope to see you around the academy. The "Tips from the Moose" Section of the board's is another great place to get advice on getting through academy. Another great place to meet others from around the fleet is the Redstar Nightclub. It meets on Saturday night, check the schedual for the time.



"You will be assimilated, meow."

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thanks, Are you the head of the academy?

:) ::snarkles:: :D


Ever notice that Fred rhymes with Head... :D


Amusing, is it na?


Anyway...Jolan tru (Hello)...hope au like our little family...


and....don't feed the kitty's :)

Edited by Saek tr'Vosh

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:D ::snarkles:: :P


Ever notice that Fred rhymes with Head... :)


Amusing, is it na?


Ie.. ie.. very. You're a regular stand up comic, aren't you? :D :)

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Ever notice that Fred rhymes with Head... :D

And of course we know what Head means in the Navy, don't we? :)

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thanks, Are you the head of the academy?

Hey there,


Actually, we don't have a specific "Academy Czar" within STSF. So I guess the answer there would be no. :D

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Hey there,


Actually, we don't have a specific "Academy Czar" within STSF. So I guess the answer there would be no. :D

Oh dear, prepare for a power struggle everyone! Soviet Politburo style!

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Welcome aboard!



If you have any questions at anytime, feel free to drop us a line! :D

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