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Guest fleet admiral mikey

fleet admiral mikey

hello everone im fleet admiral mikey ive been in rpg's for a few years now and even have my own fleet and site now ive never even heard of this site before but it looks cool :D

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woah...can we spice up our site like theirs? please! can we? can we? can we?


Just kidding


Welcome to STSF, it IS cool. :D

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Welcome to STSF. I'm surprised yu never heard of us until now, sicne we're so closely tied with Startrek.com, but I'd reccomend reading up on our help, as well as ourTips from the Moose sections to help familiarise yourself with how we play, and how our academy//advanced sim structures are like. Also, as you may or may not know, your "Fleet Admiral" title means diddly here, and you will have to start out as a cadet, working your way to ensign, and climbing that ladder once again. But once again.. welcome to STSF, and we hope you enjoy your time with us. :D

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lol and i know im not a fleet admiral on your site thats just the title i use on all trek forums

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Hey there. Welcome to STSF. Nice site there Mikey. Hope to see you around the Academy, it's fun. (Rommie's and Carddie's and Pandarian's OH MY.) :D



"Meow is not just another four letter word."

"Neither is purr."

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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hello everone im fleet admiral mikey ive been in rpg's for a few years now and even have my own fleet and site now ive never even heard of this site before but it looks cool :D

Hey Mikey, welcome to STSF. Please keep in mind that we don't allow advertising for other forums on our Boards. You are more than welcome to join in the fun, but please don't recruit here for your fleet (which includes your signature block, please). Thank you.


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lol i was just saying hi because ive never seen this site before and it looks cool i didnt think that it would matter and i have a question that i put in the reply to your pm :D

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