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Defiance of Orders, part I

Crispin had spent three weeks with his new unit and he seemed to be getting along with the people in his unit, or so he thought.


The Provincial President, Doctovus, had been making speeches on the planetary communication system, but the last announcement had Crispin confused. Doctovus made a decree that all rioters were being charged with sedition and were to be executed on the spot.


Crispin’s unit had been sent to the Dakota Prefect to stop the rioters. But he had not heard that there were rioters, yes he was only a Private second class, but still, he would have heard about this from his mentor Juhdia, who worked in the Palace as commander of communications. But no word had reached him.


Crispin’s unit headed out in one of the new Grav Tanks. He had only seen them in action once, but they could get the job done. However, the job was destroying farms.


Crispin’s unit was lending ground support to the Grav Tanks, his orders was to shoot the farmers that tried to stop the tanks, but he could not. Being from the Venice Prefect, he knew farmers, Juhdia owned a farm. Farmers were still the life blood of Ariel IV, how could the Provincial President make such an order. Crispin would find the answer soon enough.


“Private Xavier, why are you not firing on those traitors?” His commanding Officer screamed at Crispin.


Crispin turned to his commander, “They are not traitors, they are just farmers.”


Crispin’s Commanding Officer raised his weapon to Crispin head. “You will fire on these traitors to the Government or I will fire on you.”


Crispin could believe his ears, was this really happening? How could the government do this? What was making the Provincial President order the deaths of his own people? Crispin lowered his weapon, the next thing he knew was a Phaser Rifle smashing into his head.






Crispin felt the boot hit his ribs. This kind of abuse went over the last five days. Everyday he was beaten and told that he was going to be executed that day. But the soldiers did not kill him.


Two days later his Commanding Officer came into Crispin’s cell. “Private, stand.” Crispin straddled the wall and stood up. “Private, step forward.”


“Sir, I cannot. Sir I am just too tired. I need to eat something.”


His Commanding Officer reached into his jacket and pulled out an apple. “Here, I thought you might be in need for some food. All you have to do is swear allegiance to the President, that you will never question his orders again and you may have it.”


Crispin walked forward to the apple, but then he stopped. He remembered how Lucifer once tempted Eve with an apple. If he were not in so much pain Crispin would have found the thing funny. But nothing was funny since Marshal Law was declared.


“Yes sir, I swear my allegiance to the President.”


Crispin’s Commander laughed and ate the apple in front of Crispin. Crispin fell to the ground from exhaustion. The Commander left the cell then men from Crispin’s unit came in and proceeded to beat on him.


Two weeks later Crispin was released from his cell and sent back to his unit, he knew, even before his mentor Juhdia warned him, he was being watched, his every move, his every action. Crispin would have to watch his every step. Even his meetings with Juhdia were watched over.





During one meeting with Juhdia, the two broke their solemn vow and talked about switching sides and joining the rebellion. It was not an easy choice. Other soldiers have done so, but for Juhdia to betray the President and fight against his one time friend. This decision weighed heavy on Juhdia’s mind, but he remembered his vow to Crispin’s parents. “I will look after Crispin as he were my own.” Added to the fact that most soldiers that joined the rebellion were killed for fear that they were spies. Days later the two men left the capital city in a hover transport filled with weapons, supplies and food. And ran to the Mississippi Prefect.



To Be Continued…

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