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Happy Canada Day!

A country well known as the home of hockey, maple syrup and ethnic diversity, Canada, your neighbour to the north, is celebrating it's independance day today. Formed on 01 July 1867, the Dominion of Canada started with four provinces, (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia), and over the years has gorwn to what it is today. So.. cheers to our majestic northern country. Vive le Canada! :mellow:

Edited by Seiben

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Canada! eh

congradulations eh

cool eh

eh ..

i'm crazy eh

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:: Waves a little flag, which spontaneously combusts::


Indeed. We just had an election too . . . hmm . . . coincidence? I think not.


Happy Canada Day, my fellow Canadians! Eat, drink, be merry and Canadian, eh. Hockey, Lacrosse, French, English, Beer, Nunavut--it's all good.

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Hey there,


Something could be said here...but the public relations division of the Star Trek Simulation Forum has written a memo demanding my silence. :mellow:


Well, hope our neighbors to the north (who spend too much time in my state, freakin slow drivers) have a good one. :P

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Hey there,


freakin slow drivers

Slow drivers?! I take it you never been to Toronto before then, eh Freddie? (Well, except for rush hour, but hey.. all major cities around the world have that problem)

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Check out Quebec, you need to be a pretty fast pedestrain :mellow:

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Well congratulations on your independence...you colonials. :mellow:

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LET LOOSE the EH-ness eh?

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Well, I'm about as far south from Canada as you can get, New Orleans. But we Cajun's did migrate down from there a long time ago, so Happy Independance Day, ya hoser's Eh! :mellow:



"From the Royal Kitty Mounted Police."

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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the Dominion of Canada started with four provinces, (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia)

I knew there was something wrong with them!!! And from one of their own mouths!!!


They're in league with the Dominion!!! I knew it!!

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I knew there was something wrong with them!!! And from one of their own mouths!!!


They're in league with the Dominion!!! I knew it!!

I do believe that it was the British Parliament who came up with the term . . . ask them. :mellow:


We just sort of sent off our ambassadors in ships to tell Queen Victoria, and they sat around for a few months until they had to arrive back home, where we celebrated and burned the Queen in effigy.

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I do believe that it was the British Parliament who came up with the term . . . ask them. :mellow:


We just sort of sent off our ambassadors in ships to tell Queen Victoria, and they sat around for a few months until they had to arrive back home, where we celebrated and burned the Queen in effigy.


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Why dont we have an America Day? That sounds way better then Independance day...





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I knew there was something wrong with them!!! And from one of their own mouths!!!


They're in league with the Dominion!!! I knew it!!

The Dominion was dropped in the 60's so don't worry lol

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The Dominion was dropped in the 60's so don't worry lol

Yeah, they dropped it after Star Trek came out. They realised we'd figure it out soon enough.

Wait, Kirk's Canadian. He's with the enemy! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Well, anyway, enjoy that Canadian Bacon. MMM... bacon....

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Well, I'm about as far south from Canada as you can get, New Orleans. But we Cajun's did migrate down from there a long time ago, so Happy Independance Day, ya hoser's Eh! :mellow:



"From the Royal Kitty Mounted Police."

You're Cajun? Sweet I'm Acadian :P

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Well, anyway, enjoy that Canadian Bacon. MMM... bacon....

Didn't you know? Canadian bacon is actually ham! :mellow:

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Didn't you know? Canadian bacon is actually ham! :mellow:

I know. I was doin' a Moore movie, and then I pulled a Homer.

And I saw the movie. I know what Canada's up to.

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I just think it's so cute the way you "canadians" pretend like you have your own little country up there. :mellow:

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I just think it's so cute the way you "canadians" pretend like you have your own little country up there. :mellow:

Wow, you've over used that line :P

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Yeah, but I haven't used it in a while.

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Didn't you know?  Canadian bacon is actually ham!  :P

Yes, but Canada had to associate themselves with something...why not the pig? :mellow:

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Yeah, why not the pig, eh? But we usually associate ourselves with hockey and our beer. :mellow: ::mmm.. Labatt::

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And the noble beer and powerful moose.

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