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Cmdr Ridire

Preparations for the Return

Aidan sighs and shakes his head as he studies the deck layout to the Constellation class USS Hawking. He had also gone over it's history briefly but further study of that could wait until later. While the layout is similar to other Starfleet ships there were some nuances to it that Aidan wanted to make sure he was aware of. Before the Reaent, he had never served on any other ship besides a Galaxy class. Of course there were the Academy training programs but they didn't cover every ship class in the fleet.


He glances at the clock on his desk and frowns slightly at noting the passage of time. After he had the Away Team recalled and had..reminded them of Away Team protocol, the Captain had given them two hours to rest and prepare for the return to the USS Hawking. That two hours is now nearly up.


Aidan taps a control on the desk in his office and says "Computer, notify First Lieutenant Mclean, Doctor Matthews, First Lieutenant Shamor, Lieutenant Scherer and Ensign Xavier that they are to report to Transporter room 1 in ten minutes. Along with a full security team. First Lieutenant Mclean should bring one assistant as well."


That done, now there was only to hope that the Captain had managed to acquire the Hawking's prefix code if it was necessary. Which was something Aidan had suggested after the meeting.

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