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Dealings in the dark

The sleek, black super stretch limosine shuttle gracefully streaked past the skies of the French Country side. It's lone passenger stretched out in the rick Italian leather upolstery of the backseat reading a newspaper and drinking a glass of brandy. Richard Franklin, General Electric's President of the Aerospace Division had just attended a galla Charity dinner in Monte Carlo, and was on his way to his home in Manchester, England.


Franklin, an American born man was 40 years of age, and stood at about 6'1". With a muscular build and a head full of golden blonde hair, Franklin only looked about 30 or 35. He, like Gunter, started relatively low on the GE totem pole, but quickly climbed his way to the top. He had acquired many powerful friends and connections , making him one of the power players in the social and financial world.


He poured himself a second glass of brandy when the shuttle's confrence phone chimed. annoyed that someone is intrupting him, Franklin leans over and presses the communications button. "What is it?" he asked the caller. The image of Gunter Seiben chief of the Warp proulsion project for the Challenger appearedon the screen. "I'm sorry to interrupt you sir, but I am calling to tell you that unfortunately, we're having some small problems with Starfleet" said Seiben.


Franklin sat up in his seat. "Problems? What kind of problems?" he asked. Seiben told Franklin about the memos he got from Martin Weedman and Commander Moore. Franklin pondered and swirled the brandy between his fingers. "Don't worry Gunter, it's probably nothing. Meet up with Commander Moore on Thursday, and I'll see what I can do" Franklin finally said.


"Okay sir, thanks" Gunter said. Franklin nodded and terminated the connection. He looks out the window, as the craft passes under the Eiffel Tower in Paris. He then punched in a number and called his connection in San Francisco. "Good evening, Mr. Franklin. How may I help you today" said Admiral Bill Donovan. Franklin smiled at his good friend, and sipped a glass of brandy.


"Well Bill, we've been through alot you and I.. and a few of my workers have been having someproblems with a few of your Starfleet officers" Franklin told Adm. Donovan about the memos Seiben got from Moore and Weedman. "Don't worry about that Rich. True that most of my officers doesn't trust GE, that doesn't mean that your contract is in jeopardy"


"It better not" replied Franklin. "You remember our little deal right?" Admiral Donovan nodded. "Of course Rich. I remember. Don't worry, I assure you everthing will go well, and you will have future business from us" he reassured him. Franklin smiled. "That's good to hear, Bill. I'll talk with you later" Admiral Donovan nodded and dispears once Franklin terminated the call.


Franklin twirls his brandy again and takes a long gulp. It was nice to have friends like Admiral Donovan. Franklin thinks back to certain evening once in San Francisco...


It was a dark night in the Fisherman's Wharf and the two of them were at a seaside restaurant. Franklin looked out at the Pacific when Donovan walked in. He sat down across from Franklin. After their casual greetings, they got down to business.


Franklin leaned over to Donovan. "So Bill, how are the construction proposals going for your new ships?" he asked. "Well most of the projects have been already contracted out to most companies, but there are still a few key projects left" he said.


Franklin nodded. "I see, well. Well, as you know my company isn't really doing as well as it did business wise. What would it take for a piece of the action?" he frankly asked. The Admiral grimaced. "Gee, I don't know. Cochrane Warp Technologies is currently the front runner for the remaining contracts. I don't see how I could just simply hand it ovr to you"


Shifting in his seat, Franklin smiled. "I see, well that's okay. I know Starfleet has been giving us alot of pressure to keep our noses out. But as you know, doing that is... bad for business. You understand right?" he asked. Donovan nodded. "Yeah, of course, Bill. You're my friend and it would be a rather shame to see your company go out of business.


"But I'd be putting my neck on the line trying to get you the contract. I hope you can understand my situation. I can't just do this for free. If you get my drift" said Donovan. Franklin nodded. "Oh, of course, Bill. I realise that." Franklin bent down and produced a large black suitcase from under the table.


He set in in front of Donovan. "perhaps what's inside will change your mind?" asked Franklin. Donovan opened the case. Inside was about 10 000 strips of latinum. Donovan's face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. "Oh.. this will do nicely, Rich. Don't worry, you'll get your contract" Donovan closed the case, took it and walked out of the door. "Pleasure doing business with you, Rich" Donovan said before leaving.


Franklin was left by himself again, and smiled. The business potential for this new contract would be plentiful. With these contracts, GE can make a serious amount of money and once again be a powerful force in the aerospace industry. 10 000 bars of latinum was chicken feed compared to the money they'd get from the combined contracts.


This of course meant that his wallet would get that much fatter this fiscal quarter. In the months to come, Admiral Donovan was true to his word. GE got several of the highly coveted construction contracts for the NX projects, including the Challenger's. Despite the protests of many of the Starfleet Officers....


The limosine slowed down considerably, as it approached the exclusive neighbourhood Franklin lived in. It quietly pulled past the solid gold gates and entered the vast 7 acre estate. The shuttle's lights lit up the sky, revealing Franklin's masive mansion.


A butler opened the door and Franklin stepped out. He walked up the stairs into his home. He thought back to his conversation with Donovan, and realised he had nothing to worry about. Franklin smiled as he walked up the grand staircase in his livingroom up to his bedroom, where he would retire for the night. With people like Donovan in his pockets, the well being of his finacial future and GE looked bright and clear.

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