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It has been some time since the destruction of the T'Kel, the reorganization of the Vulcan fleet and the debate in the Vulcan High Command. Tovek had long return to the T'pa after the meeting with the Andorians. The Result was still to come and the unknown was growing bigger, no one would know the Andorian's actions and what shocking news is heard on earth.


Tovek hurried to the bridge of the T'pa, only to see chaos of officers giving their reports. He stopped listening for a moment and let the air on the bridge settle. The officers stopped what they were doing as they saw Tovek with important news.


"Carry on." Tovek said to the other officers and turned his attention to E'Shok.


"Am - " E'shok was cut off as Tovek went straight to the point.


"We do not know what the Andorians are thinking, we have to give them some time. We do not have enough imformation to factor all the variables in. Be patient. Ensign, on screen, heading 667.26 mark 02, 20% magnification." Tovek said then commanded.


"Aye sir." The Vulcan Ensign Said then inputting the command. The view screen blinked then turned to the area of the specified coordinates. 7 Vulcan ships, tiny in the distance, all were accounted.


E'Shok turned to Tovek with surprise. "Thats task force 2C"


"What is their destination?" Asked Tovek.


"They finished their patrols of Mars, now heading to Vulcan." E'Shok responded.


Tovek nodded. "Contact their lead ship, redirect them to pluto. I will explain later."


E'Shok nodded with out question and tapped his chair for the commands.


The 7 ships turned about and engaged warp.


The board is set, the pieces were moving ...


who's move is next?

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