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Ominous Shadow


Daise’Khre’Riov N’Dak

Galae Command



>Begin Log<


N’Dak stood next to the large windows of his office. The Rihan moonlight cast an ominous shadow of the man steering the Rihan fate.


It had been a few hours since his conversation with tr’Khev. The words and thoughts still echoed in his head. The path was narrow, perilous. His task was grave, and dangerous. And he lived for it.


The fate of an entire Empire was in his hands. In a few minutes he would meet with r’Neer to begin Phase II of Shadow Predator. They would begin gathering all the information on the Lloann’na that they cou;d, for there is na knowledge that is na power.


In just a few hours, the destiny of the Declared would begin to take shape. The Rise of the Rihannssu Empire to Galactic power would begin. Cloaked in the shadows, ch’Rihan would become a force na io would take easily. In the shadow they would gather their strength, and when the moment was right, they would strike.


They would not behave as their enemy expected, they would never attack what their enemy defended—and they would never show their true strength. For knowledge is power and to be unknown is to be unconquerable.


Soon the galaxy would learn the potential of the Declared. Soon.


>End Log<

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