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Marris Krax

Bork bork bork!

28 posts in this topic

Vulcan transsmeesion in Sweeeedish Chef LOL!!!!


Thees is a Secoore-a chunnel. Tu ell Foolcun fessels in ell secturs, du nut, I repeet, DO NOT ingege-a uny Undureeun Fessels, efueed cunffrunteshun et ell custs. Um gesh dee bork, bork!


Tesks furces 8A thruoogh 10B repurt beck tu zee Sul system.


Lt. Um de hur de hur de hur. Tufun

Trunspurter & sooppurt crefft speceeelist. Um de hur de hur de hur.

USS Munteecure-a


Zee ulteemete-a Screenshut Sooppleeer


Zee gooy vhu ves keelled by Bloo 6 teemes in a seengle-a Ecedemy. Bork bork bork!


I sooffffer frum persuneleety und mentel deesurder

Booere-a ooff Tufuns beereeng neme-a tegs


Tesks furces 1C thruoogh 7C repurt tu Foolcun fur Immedeeete-a breeeffing.


Tesk furce-a 7D repurt tu Rumoolun Buerder und muneetur stetoos. Um gesh dee bork, bork!


Ind Trunsmeessiun

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"Neva' underestimate da damn powa' of some coconut bra, some grass skirt, and some divine pair uh kickers."


Thats hilarious...Seriously, I think I pulled something.

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