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Ensign Van Roy's Personal Log

(Recorded on a PADD someone gave me in the makeshift decon unit)


Well, here I am, going through my first decontamination procedure, following the longest away mission I've ever been on.  This may be an un-Vulcan thing to write, but my uniform stinks!  The medics shouldn't even worry about decontaminating it and just burn the darn thing and issue me a new one.  I just want to get cleaned up, have a double bacon cheeseburger - real, not replicated -  and get some sleep.  I'll need it, as I'm sure everyone and their mother has had a turn at my bridge station and I'll have a long day of reconfiguring the ship's systems.


After we finished bringing the station's reactor online we began to power the bases various systems.  The equipment was very old, so a lot of the connections were unstable.  After we gathered what data we could Kroells began wandering off, as he had been doing the entire mission, and discovered an active cryogenic unit.  Against orders, he recessitated the... thing, hence our need to go through decon.


Ridire became concerned that the Tyderium was still without power.  As I predicted, re-charging the shuttle was a relatively simple procedure, we just hadn't had time to do it yet.  One of the drawbacks of the Type IX Shuttle is the manual power transfer cable is very heavy, and cumbersome to fold back up.  I'll have to speak to someone in engineering about installing a power wench in the event this functionality is needed again.  Now that I think on it with all the activity the Tyderium has seen recently a complete diagnostic would be in order.


The storm was still raging overhead, but I was able to punch through a weak spot in the storm and pilot to the Reaent.  As we approached the ship we noticed a HUGE hull breach in what used to be Cargo Bay 1 and surrounding areas.  Even I had to gasp in awe at the destruction as I realized my earlier premonitions of danger were correct.  When we contacted the bridge Captain FredM acted as if this was not of concern, but we dare not go to warp in a ship of this condition.  


As we approached the landing bay I requested landing clearance.  It took a while to receive instructions, and when we finally did the voice at the OPS station was... female!  She even called me Mike.  I'm guessing there have been some supplements to the crew during our long mission, and we can sure use the help.  Our data needs to be analyzed, a relief crew sent back to the planet - this time with real engineers, the Tyderium needs an overhaul, and the Reaent needs to be brought functional again.


Ensign Van Roy

Operations Chief

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