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Trichon looked around the main engineering noting how empty it was. The away teams would be gone for a while yet getting parts from the borg cube. This would proabaly be the best time for him to escape even for a few moments to finally get some sleep. He found a ensign and instructed him to wake him when Hans returned with the parts. Trichon turned and headed for his quarters for the first time since he had come back for the Talon.

He entered the quarters and brought up the lights. It looked like he had been one of the lucky ones his quarters were still mostly intact. He walked over to the chair by the desk and collapesed into it. A long sigh escaped his lips. Between Romulans, the Borg, and kissing Garnoopy this had been one heck of a month. Trichon looked down at the scars on his hands and sighed again. He still had not had anytime to work through everything that had happened on the Talon. From his torture to the commander stabbing him it was still gnawing at him. His eyes feel upon something on his desk that he didnt remember leaving there. A envelope with his name on it sat on the desk. Trichon picked it up and opened it. Inside was a letter from Ruca...


"Dear Trichon--

I hope that this letter finds you eventually. I could not bare to come and talk to you face to face, it would have hurt us both too much. I know it would have. And it pains me to have to do this ..but I have left the ship. Left Starfleet. At least for now. My resignations have already been put through and I am off to do something I have to do. Find my family. I have realized, through everything that has happened, I need to know who and where they are .. and if they are okay.


You, of all people, should realize the importance of this. You know I love you dearly, Trichon .. and if this could be done in any other way .. it would be. But I am no good to you like that. Without them, I am an unfinished puzzle and you need someone who is complete to be able to give you what you need. I cannot do that, and it would be unfair. I only hope that you can forgive me for it. And that you'll wish me luck on this journey, as I wish you luck in yours. Please know that I keep you in my heart and in my mind and I hope you will do the same for me. I promise to be in touch when the time is right .. take care

of yourself and everyone else on the Arcadia.


With all my love,


Trichon finished reading the letter and a small tear slid down his cheek. She had gone. With all the confusion that had been going on he had never even noticed that she had been missing. He remembered the last time he had saw her was right before he had gone on the ill fated away mission to the alien vessel before being captured by the romulans.


Trichon darted into 10 forward and looked around for Ruca. Ruca sipped her iced tea gently, her eyes focused on the stars outiside of the viewport. Trichon snuck up behind her and covered her eyes. "Guess who."

She flinched a bit at being surprised, but smiled immediately as she recognized the distinct cologne he wore, "Could it be ..

the Toot Fairy?" Ruca had meant to say 'Tooth Fairy', but always got those Earth myths mixed up somehow.

"Could be... But you might want to guess again."

"Well, if that isn't it .. it must be my favorite engineer."

He took his hands away from her eyes and grinned, "I dont see Hans anywhere."

Ruca grinned up at him, "True, but I suppose you will do for the moment."

Trichon slid into the seat next to her and gave her a quickkiss on the check, "So what have you been up too?"

She closed her eyes briefly at the kiss and then smiled at him, "Just taking a much needed break from Sickbay. Looking at the stars. They are still as magical to me as they were when I was a young girl."

"You just seemed kind of distant there for a second. Everything okay?"

She nodded, looking at him, "Just thinking about my family.. out there. Wondering if they are okay, .. alive even. Or even thinking of me." Ruca leaned against him since he was next to her; she enjoyed the comfort of his presence.

He took her hand in his and looked in her eyes, "There out there somewhere and I bet there doing fine."

He always knew what to say to her to make her feel better for the moment, "I appreciate your confidence in that. I am sure you are right, but I cannot help but wonder. Or long for some sort of certain truth."

Trichon couldnt help but feel something was wrong with Ruca, "You sure your okay?"

She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss, "I am fine.. and you know why?"


"Why's that?"

Ruca kissed his nose, "I have you.." Trichon blushed, "Ah, the reaction I was hoping for.. you are never a dissapointment." Trichon smiled. "I aim to please milady."

"And you always do..and always will." She smiled back at him and turned to him to embrace him tightly, more tightly than ever before it seemed.


Trichon laid back in his chair and squeezed his eyes shut. Ruca was gone and there was nothing he could do about it now. He should have known back then there was something wrong but he was too blind to see it. He folded the letter up and placed it back on the desk. His eye caught something else on the desk that didnt belong there. He picked up the small model shuttle that he had given Ruca for christmas. "Goodbye Ruca, and godspeed."

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