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N'Dak's Past: Enter the Shadow

>Begin Log<


It was a quite day on Qo’Nos. Unusual but quite none the less. Destorie sat in his office processing the afternoon reports to be sent to ch’Rihan.


He looked over the reports as he translated them into Rihan. Nothing of real interest. He finished the Klingon reports. He tapped a button and sent them off to ch’Rihan. At the same time the reports for the Galae came in for him to send to his counterpart.


He looked them over before he started working on them. At first nothing caught his attention. He read over them quickly. The stopped at one. It was marked with a “classified” overlay and was locked out to his security clearance. He tapped his t’Liss.


“Daise’Ehri’Riov tr’North,” he said looking at the report. “This is Erien N’Dak I require your assistance.”


tr’North replied and headed for N’Dak’s office. Once he arrived N’Dak showed him the ISD. tr’North was N’Daks superior officer and was in the Daise Liaison between the Rihan and Kling’hannsu militaries.


tr’North looked the ISD over and tapped in his clearance code. “Peculiar,” he said “I was na aware that anything classified was coming through this office.”


N’Dak raised his brows. “Na was I”


The two sat reading the report. Both a little shocked at its contents.






To: Klingon High Command

Concerning: Operation Red Flag


Talks with Dominion Forces under way. I remain hopeful that a peace with them will be possible. At the request of the Founder representatives; we will begin leaking fleet movements of both the LLoann’na and the Kling’hannsu as soon as we receive your approval for such actions.


I maintain that this is our only avenue of possible peace with the Dominion as the War seems to be stalemated.


Sub-Director t’Hijja

Tal’Shiar-Dominion Relations




What had they stumbled onto? Niether was sure. But they knew this wasn’t good. tr’North looked at the report then to N’Dak. “This is na good. I will contact ch’Rihan immediately…but untill I hear back from them—this did na happen na does this report exsist.”


N’Dak nodded. tr’North snapped up the ISD and headed out the door. After he left N’Dak finished his reports…but in a daze. What had just happened? What the devil was going on…Rihan supplying information about their allies to the enemies?




In tr’North’s office he looked the report over again. This would be one thing if he were dealing with the regular Galae or the Diplomatic corps. But Na this was the Tal’Shiar and they were na to be taken lightly. Further this came from a Sub-Director of the Tal’Shiar, the was na mere peon he was dealing with.

He was hesitant to contact anyone about this, but he their were still a few people on ch’Rihan he trusted.


He tapped his consol and opena secured channel to ch’Rihan. A few seconds later a grey haired Romulan appeared on the screen.


“Diase’Ehri’Riov,” the Romulan said, “Jolan Tru, what do I owe this honor.”


“Khre’Riov t’Shiea, it is unfortunate that I cannot contact you with good news,” tr’North said. “I have found a most disturbing report that was apparently misfiled.”


The elder Rihan lifted a brow quizzically. “Misfiled?”


“Ie, t’Shiea,” tr’North said. “A report from Tal’Shiar Sub-Director.”


“Well then au should send it to the proper authorities, surely au knows that” t’Shiea said jokingly patronizing.


tr’North grinned a bit at the joking tone on the other end of the screen then straightened into a serious countenance. “Ie, Normally I would have na thought twice about it. However, the contents of the file concern me deeply.”


A worried look came over t’Shiea’s face. She knew that tr’North would na bother her for something trivial. Concerned, she ran her tounge over her upper teeth. “Very well, perhaps it would help me if I saw the this report that has au so concerned. Ie?”


tr’North nodded and tapped a few buttons. “Secure aus channel.”


She nodded back to him after tapping a few buttons. t’Shiea grimaced as she read over the report. Then ran her tongue against her top teeth again. “Aus should na have opened the file. It was na meant for aus. However, I suppose aus should know.”


“Know what?”


“Aus will shortly be receiving a coded frequency and a set of coordinates, instruct aus underling, Erien N’Dak, to send a copy of all Kling’hanssu Galea movements and intelligence reports to the given coordinates on the coded frequency.”



A look of total horror came over tr’North’s face. “Rehhkai? Far be it for me to question the wisdom of the Galae, but surely we are na helping the Dominion?”


“As au said, it is na aus place to ask questions, only do as aus is told. H’Nah, we must na speak further of this, tell aus underling as well, na io…na even his mother or father may know about this, and au and I never had the conversation, clear?”




“Hann’yyo, Khre’Riov t’Shiea khoi.”


The screen went blank and tr’North was left alone his office to ponder what he had just been through.




O ch’Rihan Khre’Riov t’Shiea sat quietly in her office. The lights were dim as usual. But she was na alone. From the corner a shadowy figure stepped into the dim light.




“Na thanks are necessary. I only hope this works. If na, we are all in deep trouble.”


“Ie, aus is right,” the shadowy figure said. “Tell me Khre’Riov, can this tr’North and N’Dak be trusted?”


“Ie, I have known tr’North for many years. He is a faithful servant of the empire, and Erien N’Dak has a very good pedigree, in fact aus should know his father, Dehu D’Lvon, I believe he was once a colleague of aus, Sub-Director t’Hijja…”


The tall, slender, and beautiful Rihan glared across the desk at t’Shiea. “Ie, but au would be better off to na speak of my name again, na in the open, that is an order.”


t’Shiea looked up at Sub-Director t’Hijja with a healthy amount of disdain. “Do na presume to order me around, spygirl. I am doing this for the Empire, and that means we must work together, but it does na mean that I will take orders from a Tal’Shiar. Do NA forget that, t’Hijja.”


t’Hijja was na sure whether to break out her Kaleh right there and do the woman before her in right then or wait for a more opportune moment. She still needed the aged t’Shiea after all. “Very well then, I ask that we call a ceasefire between us then, for the Empire.”


“Agreed, For the Empire.”


>End Log<

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