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Cadet Steele

Im New

Hey everyone, I"m new here and I'm looking forwarded to simming. I work full time and go to school at night during the week, so I dont know how much time I will be able to devote to this, but I am going to try. I do have some RPing experience and I did participate in a star trek RPG on AOL years and years ago. Anyway, I hope so see everyone soon! ;)


Oh, and my real name is Brian, I'm 25 and I'm from Birmingham, Alabama.

Edited by Cadet Steele

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Hey everyone,  I"m new here and I'm looking forwarded to simming.  I work full time and go to school at night during the week, so I dont know how much time I will be able to devote to this, but I am going to try. I do have some RPing experience and I did participate in a star trek RPG on AOL years and years ago. Anyway, I hope so see everyone soon!  ;)


Oh, and my real name is Brian, I'm 25 and I'm from Birmingham, Alabama.

Welcome aboard! please look to the Schedule for the schedule cadet Crunc - err... steele.

Edited by Tovan

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Hey there,


Welcome to STSF! Watch out for falling Cadets...er...prices...eh...nevermind. ;)

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I do have some RPing experience and I did participate in a star trek RPG on AOL years and years ago. Anyway, I hope so see everyone soon!


Welcome to STSF...any of these ships look familiar? hehe.

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Hey everyone, I"m new here and I'm looking forwarded to simming. I work full time and go to school at night during the week, so I dont know how much time I will be able to devote to this, but I am going to try. I do have some RPing experience and I did participate in a star trek RPG on AOL years and years ago. Anyway, I hope so see everyone soon! ;)


Oh, and my real name is Brian, I'm 25 and I'm from Birmingham, Alabama.

Welcome to STSF!


Look forward to seeing you in the academies soon! :D

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Hey, welcome to STSF. I see since you've got experience in RPGs, you probably should graduate soon. Hope to see you in the Academies, and also timewise, it's not so bad. An hour for an academy, and an hour a week for your sim, plus 30-60 minutes here and there for logs.. it's not so bad. But I wish you the best of luck. ;)

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Welcome Brian...


Hope to see you in the academies. WE also have an unofficial sim weekdays @ 5pm EST in the holodeck. Its good practice for the regular academies.


Again, welcome..and check out the tips from Moose.

Edited by Saek tr'Vosh

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Hey everyone, I"m new here and I'm looking forwarded to simming. I work full time and go to school at night during the week, so I dont know how much time I will be able to devote to this, but I am going to try. I do have some RPing experience and I did participate in a star trek RPG on AOL years and years ago. Anyway, I hope so see everyone soon! :D


Oh, and my real name is Brian, I'm 25 and I'm from Birmingham, Alabama.

Welcome to the STSF Steele. Hope to see you around academy. BTW, be careful of airlocks, plants that crawl, oh and Pandarians. he he ;) Anyways, have fun.



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An hour for an academy, and an hour a week for your sim, plus 30-60 minutes here and there for logs.. it's not so bad. But I wish you the best of luck.


Once you graduate the academy you're not required to continue attending academies ;) So 1 hour a week is all thats required.


Logs don't have to be big 30-60 minute jobs. A simple 5 minute blurb of what your character is thinking about a plot, a little background info, or a summary of your involvement in the last sim is all thats needed :D

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Once you graduate the academy you're not required to continue attending academies ;) So 1 hour a week is all thats required.


Logs don't have to be big 30-60 minute jobs. A simple 5 minute blurb of what your character is thinking about a plot, a little background info, or a summary of your involvement in the last sim is all thats needed :D

Yeah, that's true. Once you graduate you don't have to attend academies, but it is reccomended since it's good practise for Advanced sims, and they're kinda fun too. I say 30-60 minute logs if you're in a creative mood, and of course to edit and proof read your log, then send it out to the sim's mailstring. But like Vex said, if you can't think of anything, a simple 5 minute log will do. Again, man.. best of luck.

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Jolan Tru,


Welcome to STSF. Hope to eat you.....I mean see you around sometime. ;)

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Hope to see you in an academy soon!!


If you have any questions, just feel free to ask here on the boards!



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Jolan Tru,


Welcome to STSF. Hope to eat you.....I mean see you around sometime. ;)

Welcome! and feel free to ignore the posts about eating....its best if you do :D


Birmingham, huh? near my neck of the woods...

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Welcome to StSF Brian,

Hope you have a good time here,

as I am sure you will! :D


::Whispers in Brian's ear:: After graduation.. I suggest the

Hood as your advanced sim..shhh.. don't tell anyone, or

all the ships will be after you! ;)

Edited by Jenna James

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