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Lawsuit on webmaster

In a previous topic Webmaster said that he is was a spoil sport so we should sue him. Well I'm going to take legal action against him, I need some reason to sue him can you guys help me out?

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can't do that nem. all lawyers are on my deathlist. sorry

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Sue him for inciting frivilous lawsuits. : )

Great idea Moose ::writes it down::

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How the heck are we going to issue a summons? We don't know his address!

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How the heck are we going to issue a summons? We don't know his address!

Well thats not hard to find out.

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can't do that nem. all lawyers are on my deathlist. sorry

99% of all lawyers make the rest look bad.

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Remember... when I go to jail and the server goes down, you will have no website. :ph34r:

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Remember... when I go to jail and the server goes down, you will have no website. :ph34r:

We're sueing you for money, we don't want you in jail.

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99% of all lawyers make the rest look bad.

You forget that whilst the 99 % are doing evil and the 1 % percent are not its because that 1 % consists of


a) lawyers in comas

:ph34r: lawyers asleep

c) lawyers who are actually dead but haven't been found yet due to the skill of a certain simmer who will wipe them off the face of the globe


so you see. they've ALL gotta go


which kinda makes this lawsuit impossible. I think we're just gonna have to throw eggs at the webbie.

Edited by Images

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Ummmm, my uncle is a lawyer...

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We're sueing you for money, we don't want you in jail.

::starts chuckling:: Yeah, you can put a lien on his wages here at STSF. Hmmm, that means that if you sue him and win, you'll owe him money!!!





Ahem, 'scuse me.

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::starts chuckling:: Yeah, you can put a lien on his wages here at STSF. Hmmm, that means that if you sue him and win, you'll owe him money!!!





Ahem, 'scuse me.


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so we should sue him. Well I'm going to take legal action against him, I need some reason to sue him can you guys help me out?

And they say Americans are litigious. ;-)

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And they say Americans are litigious. ;-)

I'm only trying to give poor Webby what he wants. A good ole lawsuit to turn his hair gray :ph34r:.

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We're sueing you for money, we don't want you in jail.

Hey there,


Money? Money? Your suing one of the GMs for MONEY?!?!?


What is this thing you speak of, money? :ph34r:

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GMs dont have any money...it all goes to running the STSF website, cans of coke, chips, bribing Paramount for favors, cononuts for bras, and Star Trek series DVD sets.


You're milking a dead cow there! Come here Nemesis I want to show you something. Now where's my hammer?


:ph34r: <-this thread

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Hey there,


Money? Money? Your suing one of the GMs for MONEY?!?!?


What is this thing you speak of, money? :ph34r:

LOL! But we'd be happy to give over our outstanding debts. ;)

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See this is why Canadian's should leave the sueing up to the people who know how to do it....Americans :ph34r:


An American would know not to sue for money...pfft....You should go after all those cool geeky toys he has!

Edited by Ern_Ndak

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Well those are part of his fincail assets Dak :ph34r:

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Oy vey, Nem.. you're starting to give us Canucks a bad name, eh? ;)

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You ain't getting my toys. LOL


I'll blow up the house and blow up the server and become the next Clyde before I give up my precious(s). ;)

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