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Vex Xiang

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34 posts in this topic

I dunno if i'd ever get married. the whole ball and chain concept just erks me. that you're tied to the person by law.

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I dunno if i'd ever get married. the whole ball and chain concept just erks me. that you're tied to the person by law.


Marriage is pretty frightening these days.


-Roughly 50% of marriages end in divorce

-90-95% of women, after the divorce, receive sole or primary custody of any children

-Child support awards are on average twice the cost of supporting a child, meaning half of the money goes towards supporting the ex-spouse

-There are no laws that prevent women from denying fathers access to their children, regardless of court custody arrangements

-Fathers who cannot pay child support, regardless of circumstance (such as being laid off from their work) face serious prison time. During their prison sentence, the child support and interest accumulate, making it virtually impossible to catch up

-Only 45% of the court ordered child support ever finds its way to the woman, meaning that the child often does not recieve child support from many fathers

-The average monthly child support is $560 dollars, with some cases awarding up to 14 thousand dollars a month for child support (kid has expensive tastes I guess)

-15-20% of children involved in a divorce are not the biological children of the father (I guess thats one reason for the divorce huh, heh)...but the father has only 30 days to submit DNA testing to prove this fact, which can be declined by the mother for any reason (or simply ignored, without threat of law), and the father will be forced to pay for the child for 18 years...OR if the father has been a part of the childs life for several years (which I understand).


The legal ties between the two people after a possible divorce can ruin people's lives forever. I've only touched a fraction of the reasons why.


So choose wisely :ph34r:

Edited by Vex Xiang

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Marriage is pretty frightening these days.


-Roughly 50% of marriages end in divorce

-90-95% of women, after the divorce, receive sole or primary custody of any children

-Child support awards are on average twice the cost of supporting a child, meaning half of the money goes towards supporting the ex-spouse

-There are no laws that prevent women from denying fathers access to their children, regardless of court custody arrangements

-Fathers who cannot pay child support, regardless of circumstance (such as being laid off from their work) face serious prison time. During their prison sentence, the child support and interest accumulate, making it virtually impossible to catch up

-Only 45% of the court ordered child support ever finds its way to the woman, meaning that the child often does not recieve child support from many fathers

-The average monthly child support is $560 dollars, with some cases awarding up to 14 thousand dollars a month for child support (kid has expensive tastes I guess)

-15-20% of children involved in a divorce are not the biological children of the father (I guess thats one reason for the divorce huh, heh)...but the father has only 30 days to submit DNA testing to prove this fact, which can be declined by the mother for any reason (or simply ignored, without threat of law), and the father will be forced to pay for the child for 18 years...OR if the father has been a part of the childs life for several years (which I understand).


The legal ties between the two people after a possible divorce can ruin people's lives forever. I've only touched a fraction of the reasons why.


So choose wisely ;)

::thinking of Sir Gallahad at the end of Last Crusade::


Thats an understatement. As someone who has been happily hitched for over 6 yrs (still newlywed older couples say) it is important to take your time.


Having said that...when it works..and it CAN...it is truly a wonderful thing. It is not without compromise...but I am very proud to be my wifes husband (and not just because shes hot :ph34r: )

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-Child support awards are on average twice the cost of supporting a child, meaning half of the money goes towards supporting the ex-spouse

-Only 45% of the court ordered child support ever finds its way to the woman, meaning that the child often does not recieve child support from many fathers

Doing the math, this means the average ex-husband will pay about 90% of the child's upbringing (200% of the actual cost 45% of the time = 90%). Given that 50% is considered "fair" it really makes you feel sorry for so-called "deadbeat dads", doesn't it?

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Doing the math, this means the average ex-husband will pay about 90% of the child's upbringing (200% of the actual cost 45% of the time = 90%). Given that 50% is considered "fair" it really makes you feel sorry for so-called "deadbeat dads", doesn't it?


No...a deadbeat dad is someone who refuses to pay for the children they create, men who have lots of kids from different women and abandon them. They deserve what they get.


Problem is there are a lot of men who just get the wrong end of a stick. I remember reading a case where a man divorced his wife and was paying $2000/mo in child support. Of course when he lost his job, his education could only supply him with a 30K/yr job...try living off that and paying an additional 2K a month. After 2 years of falling behind, paying each month what he could, he was 14K in back payments and was prosecuted for it.


Unfortunately the law makes no distinction between these two types of men.


Your math is probably pretty accurate though. Statistics also show us that divorced men make on average twice as much as divorced women. So when the courts look at child payments, they consider this...and foot the man with the bulk of the bill.


Remember also that its unlikely, with the splendid exception, that the mans money goes directly into a child-related fund. It goes into the womans bank account and she uses it, along with her own income, to finance her life and pay for her childs needs as needed. It would be wonderful if the money was controlled by law to be given to the child, with excess going into stock or savings funds for, say, the childs college. That doesn't happen all the time, though.

Edited by Vex Xiang

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::thinking of Sir Gallahad at the end of Last Crusade::


Thats an understatement. As someone who has been happily hitched for over 6 yrs (still newlywed older couples say) it is important to take your time.


Having said that...when it works..and it CAN...it is truly a wonderful thing. It is not without compromise...but I am very proud to be my wifes husband (and not just because shes hot :ph34r: )

17 years and counting ... so yea, six years is still considered a newlywed ;)


And Mr. Dac is pretty proud to be Dac's husband -- and he'll admit that Dac is hot. :)

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Dac, you should really get out of the sun.

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Dac, you might want to take that heavy frying pan out of your hand before you give your husband his opinion. :ph34r:

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