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Of all the times


Lt. Koshic N’dak, Ph.D.

Helmsman | USS Arcadia

Stardate 0404.22


>Begin Log <


Koshic’s headache had finally gone away thanks to the help from Doctor…what was his name…Koshic couldn’t remember. He had been told to rest—but he didn’t want to—instead he would finish his shift out and then go back to his quarters and crash out.


The Doctor had told him that his telepathic abilities were being disrupted by residual effects of Trichon’s necklace and compounded by stress. It took a medical degree to figure that out? Koshic shook his head as he tapped his consol ever so slightly adjusting course to take them closer to this possible transwarp conduit.


He wished he knew what the rest of the crew was thinking, whether they were afraid, anxious, nervous—he felt cold and empty like a discarded shell. He hadn’t realized till now how dependent on his abilities he had become. He had always been able to perceive what was going on around him and it was like a soft cuddly blanket he could use to assure himself that he wasn’t alone in his feelings—and in the ones name what a time it was to lose his powers—he had never been more scared and anxious in his entire life.


Here he was starring down at ch’Rihan in the heart of the Romulan Empire in a beaten up ship, they had just managed to escape some terrible squid race and now they were on some fools errand to where only the One knew. Koshic sighed deeply and looked out the viewscreen.


Lt. Garnoopy sat less than a meter away from him, but he couldn’t tell what he was thinking, feeling nothing, nothing at all. It troubled him, scared him, irrated him. When he was an instructor at the Academy he had always gotten a devious and dark pleasure out of the scared feelings of the cadets as they took their exams. But now he couldn’t even tell if Lt. Garnoopy setting right beside of him was happy or sad—not even the most basic of emotions—nodda nothing.


He was indeed at a loss to describe what was going on inside his head—but he wasn’t about o let that keep him off the job. No, this mission was to important to allow his own personal problems to interfere.


For that Doctor’s sake and his own, he silently prayed to the One that it would be as the doctor had predicted a short-term problem. But he knew all to well that Telepathy was not an exact science and Starfleet Medical barley even knew about the true power of Elasian telepaths, let alone know how to treat one.


>End Log<

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