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Role experimentation -- SD 10404.21

The destruction of science lab 3 nearly decimated the department. Nearly every scientist, save the newest onboard, knew at least one, if not more, of those killed or wounded. Lo'Ami knew all of them. But, there was no time to mourn.


As Arcadia headed deeper into Romulan space, the science department had to maintain its focus. Lt. Cmdr. Arphazad Lo'Ami was all too familiar with the phrase "I'm a scientist, not an engineer." He had used it himself many times in the past. But, strange things happen when damaged in enemy territory. Much of the scientific equipment, without which the scientists could not properly analyze data, was nonfunctional. The first priority was to conserve power by safely shutting down all nonessential research equipment. Concurrently, the main science computers had to be brought back online; the live experimentation section had to be secured, and the living things cared for; and the main sensors had to be repaired. Any scientists who reported for duty was assigned a task in the triage order. Many were assigned tasks outside their areas of expertise; some of those tasks were even (gasp!) engineering. Scientists are known for their ability to adapt problems and think on their feet. Lo'Ami was sure this reputation could be extended to his capable staff.


Ordinarily, Lo'Ami would meet newly assigned officers shortly after their arrival, but, with the Squid threat, he had been busy almost continuously since Saulk's destruction. This made the emergency situation his first brief opportunity to meet newly arrived Ensign Anari Erias, who had been assigned to the "lower decks" of science and orienting herself very shortly before the Saulk Observatory had been destroyed. Now, she had been thrust into the somewhat chaotic triage process.


Lo'Ami read the datapads as they came in. Some contained good news, others bad news. Above all, he wanted Arcadia to be prepared for whatever they would face in the upcoming mission; Lack of data or the inability to do analyze it would not be acceptable. His remaining science teams were up to the task.

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