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10 years away from home

Lt. Tovan

Personal Journal

SD 50404.16

"Time Flies When you're in space"





:: There was sunshine, intense rays of sunlight. The air was warm and filled with the smell of Vulcan Flan and Tea. A figure moved about in the kitchen, her hands moved the glasses and plates from the replicator to the Table. She said nothing. Tovan opened one eye and nothing but a intensive ray of energy pulsed in to his face. He slid off the bed sheets and sat on the edge of the bed.::




:: Said the figure at the table with her tea glass raised to her mouth. And sipped. Tovan stood up, remember who he was, remember where he was, said monotonously back to the figure.::


Morning, P'tain.


:: Tovan slid on his slippers and walked to the washroom, stared in to the mirror that faced him. He saw a face, his own, now remembering who he was and where he was, washed his face with the cold water flowing from the dispenser. After he cleared his mind and wiped his face dry with a clothe. He turns his attention to another figure, standing next to him.::


I've seen you, but who are you?


:: Tovan asked with the same tone he could produce in his half-asleeped state. The figure turned and smiled, he was not a vulcan. And Tovan definitely did not know him. At once Tovan stood alert, studying carefully the stranger in front of him, pondering about who he was. The Stranger hold out his hand::


Good Morning, Lieutenant. I hope you had a pleasent evening.


:: Tovan Nodded, pleased at the stranger's manners, however he did not answer his question. Tovan repeated, with a firmer voice.::


Who are y -


::He was cut off by his sister's softer voice, a more gentle voice.::


He is my Husband.


:: P'tain stepped in front of the washroom and answered Tovan's question. Tovan was confused. His sister never spoke of a Husband or a lover, Tovan's expression became disoriented and distorted the same chaos happened in his mind as he digested the information. Tovan stood, in awe and confusion. An akward moment indeed it was, after 30 seconds, Tovan asked yet another question.::


Husband? When did this happen? Why didn't you inform me?


:: So many questions and yet he knew the answer to them. Although P'tain never spoke of marrying another, the thought was still there, with approval from her parents would grant her the wish to marry the man she desired. Tovan placed the cloth in its racket and walked out to the living room.::


I did not want to disturbe your duties on board The Manticore, and last night, you seemed so at peace with your self with that book, I tried attracting your attention but you did not budge. It seemed the logical choice to not disturb you. But of course, an offical introduction is required. I apologize my brother.


:: P'tain said with her soft voice. Tovan understood, and turned to the stranger standing infront of him, he studied him again for a full minute. The time seemed to stand still for that 60 seconds, Tovan, went about this logically, every steps of the way, just as his father had taught him. At that 60th second, Tovan slowly nodded his approval of the Man who was P'tain's Husband, his sister's Husband, and shook the Man's Hand with a firm grip. The Man Smiled.::


I guess we need to discuss this during breakfast, its been a long 10 years, i would be honored to share a glass of tea with the man who married my sister. It has been ... 10 years.


:: Tovan invited. Tensions in the house seemed to vanish without a trace. There was an air of friendship between the three of them. P'tain nodded approvingly and walked over to the perfectly created table.::


Come, David, Tovan.


:: She said, inviting his brother and her husband to the table. Tovan, rubbed his chin, noting he hasn't shaved yet, sat down beside David and P'tain did the same, sat opposite to Tovan.::


:: Tovan felt secure, secure again with his family, his sister. Though the prospect of his sister's marriage still stood freshly on the part of his mind that meant "unknown" Tovan still accepted him, gave him the respect he deserves. 10 years, Tovan thought, alot happened the last 10 years, his sister married a starfleet officer. What else could have happened? He thought of the endless possibilities as he sipped his tea and ate his Flan. Yes. He thought, the possibilities are endless.::


(Tovan thinks of the possibilities at ludicrous speed as the day began)

Edited by Tovan

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