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Most Annoying Trek Character

Who was (is) the MOST annoying trek character?   18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was (is) the MOST annoying trek character?

    • 1) Wesley Crusher
    • 2) Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher
    • 3) Ensign Wesley Crusher
    • 4) Other (someone besides Wesley Crusher)

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28 posts in this topic

I'm a Broccoli er... Barclay, I'm like him, and i like him he's cool ... er.... yeah.....cool! he's...cool....yeah...

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1. The kid

2. His mother

3. Neelix (for the first half of the run)

4. Yar (Thank you for quitting!)

5. Sisko (lighten up, dude)

6. Archer


I loved Pulaski. At the time, it was very refreshing to have a female character *with* character. Our others were Catsuit Clueless, Ditzy Doctor, and Bridge Butchblonde.


I really enjoyed Barclay too. I liked having a character with problems, and I felt that his episodes treated mental illness fairly. I mean, what *would* happen if you were in Starfleet and were a little screwy? Are you stigmatized, or are you helped? Like many Trek themes, it shows a tolerance toward mental illness that we haven't fully reached in our time. It also showed that Troi *did* have a legitimate job to do, and she did it well. Ah, uh, hadn't we ALL wondered if a holodeck wouldn't be used for less than stellar moral purposes?

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1. The kid

2. His mother

3. Neelix (for the first half of the run)

4. Yar (Thank you for quitting!)

5. Sisko (lighten up, dude)

6. Archer


I loved Pulaski. At the time, it was very refreshing to have a female character *with* character. Our others were Catsuit Clueless, Ditzy Doctor, and Bridge Butchblonde.


I really enjoyed Barclay too. I liked having a character with problems, and I felt that his episodes treated mental illness fairly. I mean, what *would* happen if you were in Starfleet and were a little screwy? Are you stigmatized, or are you helped? Like many Trek themes, it shows a tolerance toward mental illness that we haven't fully reached in our time. It also showed that Troi *did* have a legitimate job to do, and she did it well. Ah, uh, hadn't we ALL wondered if a holodeck wouldn't be used for less than stellar moral purposes?

Wow, Capt. Indicisive much....lol. I must say, you opinions were clearly yours and well thought out. As far as social issues, thats what I enjoyed most about TNG. It was nice to know that four hundred years in the future, people were still screwed up. :(


And about the holodeck, whatever are you talking about? ^_^

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