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Most Annoying Trek Character

Who was (is) the MOST annoying trek character?   18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was (is) the MOST annoying trek character?

    • 1) Wesley Crusher
    • 2) Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher
    • 3) Ensign Wesley Crusher
    • 4) Other (someone besides Wesley Crusher)

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28 posts in this topic

;) Well, Gang...as hard as it is to believe, I graduated. So, in celebration, Ive started my very first poll. Please stay on topic for at least the first page..then feel free to taunt Zeus and his Topic Locking Thunder Bolts.


My vote is for...oddly enough...Wesley Crusher! However, Dr. Pulaski gets an honorable mention for her royally annoying TNG performance.


Happy Posting!! ;)

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I hated Dr. Polaski! She was the most un-nice character on TNG. She was such a @$$ to the whole crew!


But, Neelix was annoying to the crew instead of the audience, but in a funny way.

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Voted for other namley, Riker! Don't know why, but he annoyed me. ;)


Oh and congrats on your graduation Ki'rok. :)

Ummhmm... may I suggest the Hood. ;)

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Tough call, but I had to go with the Acting Ensign.


And Congrats Ki'rok. You should join the Qob.

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Yeah like Dumbass, it was a tough call for me too, but I too went for the acting ensign. Oh, and congrats Ki'Rok. Might I suggest the Arcadia? We're kinda low on Engineers here, and I need someone to boss around -- err, that is.. assist me -- other than my NPCs. ;)

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Voted for other namley, Riker! Don't know why, but he annoyed me. ;)


Oh and congrats on your graduation Ki'rok. :)

Ummhmm... may I suggest the Hood. ;)

By Riker, Do you mean season 1 and 2 Riker...because he was a bit of a Weenie?


Just curious...

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By Riker, Do you mean season 1 and 2 Riker...because he was a bit of a Weenie?


Just curious...

Weenie?! Harry's a Weenie ha ha ha and weenie is my name or middle name hahahahahahaha. Hey John you can make fun of me now ;)

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Actually, the character I *really* hated was Troi, especially in the early seasons. I hated the way she would waltz onto the bridge for no apparent reason, as if she had a right to be there just because she was special or something, and not even in uniform! When the Enterprise hit that cosmic string and she was the senior officer on the bridge she didn't know how to make decisions. She would have never passed Riker's Bridge Officer Test if another person was giving it. And since becoming a Bridge Officer the only time she was placed in command was for a few minutes at the end of Nemesis. I think Picard and Riker knew she couldn't cut it in command because they never replaced Data as 2nd Officer even though Troi outranked him.

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Actually, the character I *really* hated was Troi, especially in the early seasons. I hated the way she would waltz onto the bridge for no apparent reason, as if she had a right to be there just because she was special or something, and not even in uniform! When the Enterprise hit that cosmic string and she was the senior officer on the bridge she didn't know how to make decisions. She would have never passed Riker's Bridge Officer Test if another person was giving it. And since becoming a Bridge Officer the only time she was placed in command was for a few minutes at the end of Nemesis. I think Picard and Riker knew she couldn't cut it in command because they never replaced Data as 2nd Officer even though Troi outranked him.

You know i hate Troi too, she the stater of the obvious or confusion master. ;)

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Actually, the character I *really* hated was Troi, especially in the early seasons.  I hated the way she would waltz onto the bridge for no apparent reason, as if she had a right to be there just because she was special or something, and not even in uniform!  When the Enterprise hit that cosmic string and she was the senior officer on the bridge she didn't know how to make decisions.  She would have never passed Riker's Bridge Officer Test if another person was giving it.  And since becoming a Bridge Officer the only time she was placed in command was for a few minutes at the end of Nemesis.  I think Picard and Riker knew she couldn't cut it in command because they never replaced Data as 2nd Officer even though Troi outranked him.

You know what? Why the hell doesn't she wear a uniform? I think the Bridge officers just like seeing her in that cat suit. I bet Picard liked it! She had no real point in the show.


In the episode that Enterprise hits the cosmic string Troi had no clue what to do. And if Riker and Data's head had not fixed the core breech, Troi's descision to not separate the Drive and Saucer section would have been fatal. But if that happened, the series would have ended with all them atomized and then no NEMESIS.

Edited by William Laiden

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You know i hate Troi too, she the stater of the obvious or confusion master. ;)

Don't even get me started on her piloting skills. ;)

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Don't even get me started on her piloting skills. ;)

pretty obvious eh? ;)

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;) Well, Gang...as hard as it is to believe, I graduated. So, in celebration, Ive started my very first poll. Please stay on topic for at least the first page..then feel free to taunt Zeus and his Topic Locking Thunder Bolts.


My vote is for...oddly enough...Wesley Crusher! However, Dr. Pulaski gets an honorable mention for her royally annoying TNG performance.


Happy Posting!! ;)

Ack!! What are you talking about . Pulaski, at least HAD some character, and her own temperments. She was opinionated and brusque, but they showed that her mind could be changed. AT LEAST she HAD an opinion, instead of all the other yes sir, no sir's on the ship. They should have kept her, and dumped Beverly.


Besides....think about it. Pulaski came on board when Beverly left to become Head of StarFleet Medical School. What did she do to screw that job up, that she ended up back on a ship only a year later????


In addition, this was her 3rd stint on Trek, having been on two TOS episodes as well. Someone likes what she does!!


::makes note about KiRok in her book::

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Ack!! What are you talking about . Pulaski, at least HAD some character, and her own temperments. She was opinionated and brusque, but they showed that her mind could be changed. AT LEAST she HAD an opinion, instead of all the other yes sir, no sir's on the ship. They should have kept her, and dumped Beverly.


Besides....think about it. Pulaski came on board when Beverly left to become Head of StarFleet Medical School. What did she do to screw that job up, that she ended up back on a ship only a year later????


In addition, this was her 3rd stint on Trek, having been on two TOS episodes as well. Someone likes what she does!!


::makes note about KiRok in her book::

;) OK...First of all...I never commented on her TOS performance...I have no problem with that performance. But you have to know when to walk away... :)


She certainly had an opinion...mostly regarding DATA and his lack of Humanity. Beverlys Bed-side manner was much better than Sir-Grump-a-lot. It was a valiant effort to revive a more "Bones" like doctor that, in this humble Ensigns opinion, just didnt work.


As to Beverlys brief stint at Starfleet Medical...who could stand to be away from that adorable Acting Ensign Crusher ;)


In conclusion, the poll was for most annoying character...I gave her an honorable mention. Mostly because, she wasnt around long enough to merit a vote. Was I picking on her, no. Did I find the Doctor most annoying...she could have only annoyed me more by using the phrase.."please state the nature of the medical emergency."


::Thinks this tension will improve relations on the Republic, should he ever get posted or if there IS a Republic...*sigh*::


::then steals Blu's book::

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Well I voted for Acting Enisgn...but Jullian Bashir runs a REALLY close second; tied with the entire Bajoran race. ( ::ducks:: )



Wesley just annoyed the crap out of me--i mean really the Enterprise was supposed to be filled with SF's best and brightest yet the best OPS/Helm officer they could find was some annoying little brat????


Second--Julian Bashir is really close. He just irriated the mortal crap out of me, Always pining after Dax and all, then you have whole bit about being genetically enginered he just makes me sick. He had to be one of the most pathetic charcters ever created for the show (although Reg Barkley is right there on this list with Bashir...)


Third--the entire Bajoran race is really really close. I mean I know they were oppressed and all, but instead of me feeling sympathy for them they just come of as whiney. AND if I hear one more thing about those lousy prophets I am gonna scream.


As for Dr. Pulaski--yeah what Blu said. I actually thought she was one of the better Charcters on the show. Espeically the episode where she matched wits with Data I would have liked to see her in one of the movies, that would have been a nice touch, or a latter episode on DS( or VOy like they did with Broccoli..errr ;) .

Edited by Ern_Ndak

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After a fews days of the DS9 marathon...how do I say this...It doesnt suck as bad as I remembered.


I will agree with Dak that "Julian" is a nuisance that must be dealt with. You know, come to think of it...maybe I have a thing against doctors.

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  You know, come to think of it...maybe I have a thing against doctors.

Umm better watch out.. every ship has one ;)

As for your earlier question as to which riker annoyed me most...

All of them! He was like another Kirk! ;)

Always in love with Troi, but chasing every skirt that came across

his path. :angry:

As for Pulaski.. maybe another bones, but comeon, she sissed Data! :)

As for Bev Crusher, good bedside manner, crush on Picard, else wise

weenie! :angry:

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Umm better watch out.. every ship has one ;)

As for your earlier question as to which riker annoyed me most...

All of them! He was like another Kirk! ;)

Always in love with Troi, but chasing every skirt that came across

his path. B)

As for Pulaski.. maybe another bones, but comeon, she sissed Data! :)

As for Bev Crusher, good bedside manner, crush on Picard, else wise

weenie! :angry:

Lol..Knew that one would get your attention..but I was actually refering to annoying doctors..not obviously competent physicians posted on theHood :angry:

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As for Bev Crusher, good bedside manner, crush on Picard, else wise

weenie! ;)

LOL now every one is using Weenie.

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Lol..Knew that one would get your attention..but I was actually refering to annoying doctors..not obviously competent physicians posted on theHood ;)

If they ever get any. ;)

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If they ever get any. ;)

we've got Manning but...yeah... ;)

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I actually liked Lieutenant Broccoli. At least he showed that Starfleet officers aren't perfect. They have the same insecurities as any Human would. Of course I did half-expect to see Mr. T pitty the fool until I got used to him.


What TOS episodes was the actor playing Polaski on?

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I voted for Vanroy cuz I wanted to to get back and him and stuff for the coconut bra and stuff so now I feel better and for some reason I cant stop not using punctuation and stuff so this is fun

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I actually liked Lieutenant Broccoli.  At least he showed that Starfleet officers aren't perfect.  They have the same insecurities as any Human would.  Of course I did half-expect to see Mr. T pitty the fool until I got used to him



You aint beaming me anywhere, sucka...I dont care how much Jazz Hannibal is on...I aint Beamin...you dig!!


Barclay!! You crazy fool..unplug yo self from the main computer........

Edited by Ki'rok

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