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Sim Recap

McLean’s Logs

Lieutenant George McLean

Duty Log (Sim Recap)



“Computer open log and begin recording…


With Captain Michaels and Commander Ridire taking a few hours off, the senior staff was provided the chance to make some headway in the situation on their own. First Lieutenant Shamor brought out some interesting information about the probe. He hypothesizes that the wounded area from which we were attempting to extract a sample of its hull is not as old of a wound that we first thought. This, in his estimation, is the reason why we should be stay vigilant to any abnormalities we might pick up. The situation could only get worse if a Borg scout decides to come this way.


Dr. Smith is heading up a team working with scans taken from the hull of the probe. Although the scans are not very detailed, they are better than what the Reaent was getting from afar. Dr. Smith is working with Dr. Kitty and Ensign Xavier. Their results can confirm or deny Shamor’s analysis of the hull.


Ensign Graham and Ensign Voran are working on decoding the information trail that the probe left behind. The amount of data is quite overwhelming. Travis and I are already seeing positive results from their work. Ensign Graham is also commanding a team of Engineers finishing up the completion of repairs.


Lieutenant (Jg) Revelone is working with my former subordinate, Lieutenant (Jg) Scherer on what was accessed when the probe scanned through our computer system on the Reaent and on the shuttle. Their progress is unknown to me at this time.


Finally, Lieutenant Kroells and I are working on analyzing data that the probe left behind when it left. Looking at the data we noticed that the probe is following a predictable path. Geometrically speaking, the probe seems to be traveling on a path that is almost oval shaped. Yet, Travis and I have not yet been able to determine why. It almost seems that either the probe is programmed in this manner or that it is somehow trekking on some sort of “space superhighway.” If this is true, perhaps we can find a way to get on this highway and somehow make it home…in time for dinner.


Computer, save log and close program.”

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