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Captain's Log - SD 0402.22

Captain's Log

Stardate 0402.22

Captain Fred Michaels


"Uh, Ensign Voran is continuing his scans on the rusty area. He has a theory that the probe belongs to an advanced race of amphibious creatures," Kroells said looking at Ridire. Michaels glanced briefly at his Chief of Science, something he hadn't done since the incident in engineering. "He, and I would like to get a closer look at the area of the probe with the rust, to make more scans," the Lieutenant said still looking at the Reaent's Executive Officer.


Fred leaned back against the edge of the sole science console overlooking the main viewer. Aidan spoke up again, "His theory is that the probe was created by a race of, in effect, super-whales?" It was indeed a logical question, and was a theory some had held in Kirk's day. Yet, up to now, there had been no evidence of it and no ability to gain further information. Even frozen as small crystals on the hull of the giant Probe, water could...in theory...begin a chemical reaction.


The conversation went on for several minutes until finally, the Captain spoke. "Getting closer isn't an option. We don't have a clue how it will react...and can't afford to ###### it off again," he said in a casual tone of voice. Within several seconds after this statement, McLean tossed his hands up in the air in disgust, "We don't know when it's going to just up and decide to leave." Fred folded his arms and leaned back even more, "And do you have a method of making sure it doesn't take that as hostile action? Have a defense against it's carrier wave?"


After several more minutes of discussion, it came down to one of three choices. The Reaent could itself move closer to the Probe, perhaps causing it to see them as a threat and this time not be friendly. Second, they could send a shuttle to try and gain some further sensor information. Finally, the ship could simply leave and start it's ten year trek towards home. None of them were options the Captain liked...but it doubted they were going to get any better.


"All right," Fred said standing up straight and stretching his back slightly, "here's what I want." Glancing at McLean he pointed, "Get a shuttle ready to launch...and make whatever preparations you need to in order to maintain an ability to beam the crew back should it be needed." The Captain glanced at Shamor, "I want a constant transporter lock on the shuttle and want full tactical scans of the Probe. The second we see any type of movement, we beam them back and run." Finally, Michaels looked at Kroells. Pausing briefly, he finally shook his head and continued. "Make whatever modifications you can to get the most out of that shuttle's sensors. Coordinate with George and J'untar. I don't want to risk this just to have us learn nothing," Fred said pointing his finger yet again.


Turning and looking at the viewer his squinted, "I want no more than four people on that shuttle. Commander...," he paused as he looked over at the ship's First Officer, "make the necessary arrangements."

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