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Spining ship avitars

OK, here is one I think is pointless:




(Actually it has 8 points. "Pointless" would be a Sphere. :( )

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Here's the USS Pandora's Box (Norway Class support ship for Aegis).


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Hmmm...Okay...those are beauties.


But Do I dare ask where they are coming from? I dont see them in our gallery selections.


If broadcasting the addy is an issue..Please Private message me here on the boards.




PS..Yes...Vanroy you do have a point there.

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Hey that's pretty cool. I don't think that's where I originally found mine, but it is very likely that webpage is the source. :(


This is my favorite Trek site.

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Thanks for the info guys. Appreciate it.


I suppose a Borg Sphere would be pointless as well? :(



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I suppose a Borg Sphere would be pointless as well? :(

It would be pointless, figuratively and literally, if I do say so myself. (In fact, I did.) :)

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Hey there,


Over the years, many such graphics have been produced. Must say I am impressed by this site though. :(


And as far as DITL is concerned, indeed one of the best Star Trek related gems online. :)

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