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Thoughts on "Chosen Realm"

Did you like "Chosen Realm?"   5 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you like "Chosen Realm?"

    • One of the best written episodes in Star Trek
    • It was a good episode with a good message
    • It was a well written episode though I didn't like the Message
    • I thought it was alright
    • Not enough T'pol
    • I didn't watch it
    • Horrible episode with a horrible untruthful message

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I personally thought this was one of the best written and bold messages to be placed in trek. It really asks the question what can you really do based on your own religious beliefs compared those of others religious beliefs. It also poised the question who says your right over somebody else. I personally think this the best episode in trek. :P now what do you think (please don't take it too far)

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Sorry, didn't catch it. Last wedneday they were playing a basketball game when Enterprise shoulda been on. And then played it after the game, but it was 11:00 and I never miss my Family guy. :P. Sounded like it was good, nice to see that they are actually trying to save the series and not let it crash and burn. :).

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I'm inclined to agre with Nem. I really did enjoy watching it. It had a good message, and was well writen, IMO. Certaily one of the best episodes of the season.

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