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School Plays

Do you remember a school play that you were in? For me it's simple. Since I'm still in high school, I'm currently the stage/prop assistant and my sophomore year it was a stage hand.

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I do, I got to be a female dog in peterpan when I was in grade 3 :P

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I remember back in Grade 2, I was in some kind of 'Sound of Music' play, but I forget who I played. I do remember looking out into the crowds, and seeing all those people watching. Quite the nerve racking experiece.

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As a joke I auditioned for the part of an old lady in our 6th grade play.


Not only did I get the part, but I beat out 2 other guys for it. One of then was even the school bully! :P

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I was heavily involved in my high school's theatrical productions. The four productions were "Bye Bye Birdie," "Fame," "Anything Goes" and "Fiddler on the Roof," the latter being my most notable performance as Motel the Tailor. :)


Theater is a nice life outlet no matter what you do to help put it on. I love the stage and my girlfriend loves the tech stuff, but each of our contributions are important to the running of the shows we get involved in. Theater is cool. :P

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Hmm...school plays. Well, two come to mind. First was in first grade, I think. Christmas pagent. I was Penguin Number 6, and I got the part without ever seeing the script a day before the play :P Thank goodness it was a small part.


Second play that comes to mind was in high school, but I wasn't a member of the cast or the crew. I was the critic, and I called it how I saw it. Got my first piece of hate mail for that review :)

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Might try out for the Rocky Horror picture show that my school is doing this year might be fun to be Rocky Horror ::winks to Dak::

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Hmm...school plays. Well, two come to mind. First was in first grade, I think. Christmas pagent. I was Penguin Number 6, and I got the part without ever seeing the script a day before the play :P Thank goodness it was a small part.


Second play that comes to mind was in high school, but I wasn't a member of the cast or the crew. I was the critic, and I called it how I saw it. Got my first piece of hate mail for that review :)

Oh, yeah, there were also a couple church Christmas pagent things I had one or two lines in. I decided to become an atheist when I noticed the minister's kid got to play Jesus EVERY YEAR! He was a stoner, too, even at that young age.

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I was fortunate enough to go to a school with a very active theater program (we were awsome we won 13 straight state theater comp. :P )


And I ended up being in several of them:


Percey Sauders (a geeky Brit Botanist) in "The Attempted Murders of Peggy Sweetwater"


Doody (Oh Those Magic Changes!) in "Grease"


a Dues Ex Machina (a winged angle that comes in to solve plot issues in greek tragedy) In "Medea"


A soldier (dressed in nothing but a Klit and boots :) ) in "MacBett" (yes Macbett and not MacBeth)


George in "Our Town"


and Various roles in several 'night of one act' s

Edited by Ern_Ndak

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Oh, yeah, there were also a couple church Christmas pagent things I had one or two lines in. I decided to become an atheist when I noticed the minister's kid got to play Jesus EVERY YEAR! He was a stoner, too, even at that young age.

Yeah, I remember playing Joseph in my Church's Christmas play in Grade 4 and I didn't even have a single word. :P

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Yeah, I remember playing Joseph in my Church's Christmas play in Grade 4 and I didn't even have a single word. :P

Wow. Joseph with no lines? How did you ask if there was room at the inn?

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Wow. Joseph with no lines? How did you ask if there was room at the inn?

Sign Language :P

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Yeah, I guess. Actually, the play was narrated by somebody else.. If I recall correctly. :P Still though, that was quite dissapointing.

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Oh man, I was in every last one from the time I was in first grade. :P I've narrated, sang, played character roles... and worn some of the tackiest crap ever sewn.


Then one day I played a pit book in West Side Story... I have never and will never sweat in tacky costumes and greasepaint under stage lights again! Give me a hot score, pair of black Levi's, a mug of coffee and I'll show you how I do theater!


Some favorites, you ask? West Side Story of course, A Little Night Music, Music Man, Fiddler on the Roof... These are based entirely on the clarinet books. On the flip side, if I have to play Sound of Music one more time I will kill myself with my own clarinet.

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Oh man, I was in every last one from the time I was in first grade.  :D  I've narrated, sang, played character roles... and worn some of the tackiest crap ever sewn. 


Then one day I played a pit book in West Side Story...  I have never and will never sweat in tacky costumes and greasepaint under stage lights again!  Give me a hot score, pair of black Levi's, a mug of coffee and I'll show you how I do theater! 


Some favorites, you ask?  West Side Story of course, A Little Night Music, Music Man, Fiddler on the Roof...  These are based entirely on the clarinet books.  On the flip side, if I have to play Sound of Music one more time I will kill myself with my own clarinet.

LOL. Funny Huff.


Ya know I played Maria in West Side Story....


:) :)


I'm just kidding :). I always wanted to act or sing in a play. But all the people in the Drama program at my old school were very rude and snobbish. Like they were special cause they were in a magnet program. :P.


Pffftttt....Moron's. None of them could carry a tune anyway. When they did Annie get your gun and West Side Story ::Shiver::. They probably attracted ever cat in town to the school. :D. Even Simon would have been mortified.

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Actually come to think of it I was in a play. But it wasn't a school play. It was for my sister's company. (Ya know Company Play :) )


It was called 'Taming the Wild, Wild West in a Dress." It was a comedy. About a guy who thought his Aunt Iva Fortune left him a saloon, when it really was a salon and that the bad guy wanted to own it to break into the bank that was next door to the salon. All the characters had wierd names. I played Bob Burr the town Barber (Get it. :) ). Some of the more notable names....


Barbara Seville, a saloon girl that wanted to be an opera singer.

Carrie O'Key, a saloon girl that couldn't carrie a key.

Sadie Blessing, a Preachers wife.

Colt Revolver Jr. The saloon owner and a ruthless son of a gun.

Lady Claire Rawl, (Which was the lead male character in drag, working in the salon. Hilarious :P). Lady who runs the Lucky Lady Salon.


Those were some of the more notable names. They're were a few others but those were my favorites. :D. I enjoyed doing the play it was a blast.

Edited by John_Anderson

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Hey there,


Well, I don't actually recall the titles of all 15 of them...and these weren't your typical "high school" plays. We're talking productions with a budget somewhere near $30,000 per play held at the Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center. Between cast and production crew, normally had somewhere of at least 40 people involved.


Let's see...


Brighten Beach Memoris - Technical Director

A My Name Is Alice - Technical Director

The Bad Seed - Technical Director

A My Name Is Alice (Tampa Performing Arts Center) - Property Master

Little Shop Of Horrors - Technical Director

Fools - Actor / Technical Director

Your A Good Man Charlie Brown - Technical Director

The Diviners - Technical Director


As for the others, their titles escape me at the moment. There was one other play that I did actually hold three "guest" spots in...but I honestly can't recall the title. Know it's a Neil Simon though...

Edited by FredM

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You really liked being technical director now didn't you Fred. :P

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You really liked being technical director now didn't you Fred. :P

Hey there,


Sure did....Technical Director for fifteen mainstage performances and probably at least 20/25 other smaller performances during a three year period. :)

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::snickers:: I would ahve never guessed fred would be a 'Techie'

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Okay my plays include:


The Odd Couple- Stage hand (Sophmore)

Chataeu La Roach- Stage/Prop Assistant (Senior)


Anyone done those before?

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I had a very strange high school! Here's how... There was no peer pressure or snobbery or cliques at my school. How strange is that? Everybody let everybody do their thing and they did theirs. Listen to this, when we did do West Side Story... they freakin taught the entire men's football team to dance. Our men's football team played the street gangs. They were fantastic and they had a great time. The whole school was like that. I don't know why - it just was. Cool, huh?

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I had a very strange high school! Here's how... There was no peer pressure or snobbery or cliques at my school. How strange is that? Everybody let everybody do their thing and they did theirs. Listen to this, when we did do West Side Story... they freakin taught the entire men's football team to dance. Our men's football team played the street gangs. They were fantastic and they had a great time. The whole school was like that. I don't know why - it just was. Cool, huh?

Well isn't that what highschool is about, everyone outgrows those sort of thing in highschool I thought :P

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I had a very strange high school! Here's how... There was no peer pressure or snobbery or cliques at my school. How strange is that? Everybody let everybody do their thing and they did theirs. Listen to this, when we did do West Side Story... they freakin taught the entire men's football team to dance. Our men's football team played the street gangs. They were fantastic and they had a great time. The whole school was like that. I don't know why - it just was. Cool, huh?

Think about it. To be a football player you do have to have some coordination and balance, and there is a certain choreography to football plays. Plus football players are big, the kind of person you would WANT in a gang.


Not that seeing a bunch of big football players leaping and twirling and dancing could be anything but hysterical. :P

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The only play I worked was Jack & The bean stock, and then I was stuck working curtains, if only I had had a laptop & was simming. Then those nights might've ment something.

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