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Coffee and Gin Talk

A Joint Trichon and N’Dak Production




Starring and Directed by:




Trichon Light




Koshic N’Dak



Trichon Light sat at one of the table in Ten-Forward. He was presently alone, with the exception of one very strong cup of black coffee. He had been sitting at the same table for some time now pouring over the details and simulations of the shield modifications to ‘hide’ the USS ARCADIA.


Trichon tapped on the PADD and looked it over. The simulations had been coming out positive, and the modifications would soon be done, then just maybe he could get some sleep. He downed the remainder of the coffee and sat it down on table.


At the same time Koshic N’Dak slowly stepped into Ten-Forward. This wasn’t a place he normally went and he was more than a little timid. But he knew if he was ever going to fit in with the rest of the crew, he was going to have start making some friends other than the consoles in the Science labs. He looked around for a few moments trying to spot anyone he knew.


N’Dak spotted the young engineer he and Nem had worked with earlier in the day. “Hell why not,” N’Dak said to himself as he headed to Trichon’s table. “Mind if I sit here?”


Trichon didn’t look up from the PADD, “Yeah, its no problem at all.”


N’Dak perked an eyebrow and sat down slowly. “Your name is Trichon. Trichon Light, correct?”


“Yep. Thats me.” Trichon sat the PADD down and looked up at N’Dak, “I don’t recall you name though.”


“Koshic. Koshic N'Dak. But call me Dak,” Koshic said with a smile.


“All right Dak. What can I do for you?”


“Nothing at the moment, you look tired,” N’Dak said looking around for a waitress. “Can I get you a drink?”


“I am tired, but I needed to get these modifications done on the shield generators,” Trichon said rubbing his eyes. “I will take another coffee though”


N’Dak finally got the attention of a waitress and ordered himself a Gin and Tonic and Trichon a cup of coffee.


After a few moments of silence N’Dak spoke up. “Well. I was going to ask you if you had any ideas for the adaptive shielding. I still think it would be so much better than the lodinite,” he said softly. “But if you are tired, then don't worry about it.”


“Don’t worry about that, I like the idea for adaptive shielding. It is just going to be rather difficult to predict a scanning frequency,” Trichon said sliding a PADD across the table to N’Dak. “I have been trying to come up with an idea to use your idea as a backup.”


Koshic perked up a bit and read over the PADD as the waitress brought the drinks back to the table. “That was the only problem I had,” N’Dak said taking a drink of the Gin and Tonic. “But obviously the Hansens found away to do it.”


“The key is to figure out there scanning frequency before they see us,” Trichon said. “The only problem is that Arcadia is too big to keep hidden long using standard stealth equipment.”


“True, but its not like we are going to be dealing with active sensors. They would have to drop cloak to that, and they wouldn’t give away their position to do that.”


“You have a point, but even on passive scans the Arcadia will stick out like a sore thumb and the key to all of this mission is surprise,” Trichon reminded N’Dak.


“What if we use the Lodinite to keep us hidden while they scan, shouldn’t we be able to get their sensor frequency that way?”


“Well that’s one way,” Trichon said with a grin. “The other way is a little less obvious.”


“The other way?” N’Dak said raising his eyebrow and taking another drink.


Trichon slide another PADD across to N’Dak. “My shuttle was built exactly for a mission like this. We send it out and let them scan it find out there frequency and hop back to the ship.”


N’Dak looked the PADD over for a few moments. Trichon took another drink of the coffee. “I really should lay off this stuff.”


“Nah. It will put hair on your chest, as for the shuttle, I like it,” he said pausing for a few seconds. “But whether or not the powers at be do, well you know how that is.”


“I thought you would like it and I know what you mean,” he said with a smile. “But I just don’t like going into any situation like this with out a good back-up plan.”


“You have a point,” N’Dak said.


“The lodinite is going to work,” he said confidently, “but I wouldn’t want to see what happens if it gives out on us in the middle of the neutral zone.”


N’Dak smiled at the engineer. “Hope for the best, Plan for the worst...”


“And wind up somewhere in the middle,” Trichon finished the line for him.


For a few moments the two sat there in silence. Koshic starred at Trichon for a few moments. That had been one of his patented phrases he taught students at the academy, and come to think of it Trichon looked soo familiar to him.


“Did I have you in class,” N’Dak broke the silence. “You look so familiar.”


“Not that I remember,” Trichon said. “What did you teach?”


“Races of the Federation,” N’Dak said taking another drink. “it was required if remember correctly.”


Trichon thought about it for a few moments. “Who knows? I might have just spend most of my time flirting with your students,” he laughed."I was a Big man on campus in my Academy Days"


N’Dak laughed too. “Wait! Now I remember you!”


You do, was all Trichon could manage. “Yes you were the one cadet I caught in the back row making out with that one Bajoran girl during my lecture on the Talarians.”


“Yeah that was probably me,” he stammered a bit embarrassed. “Uhh, I would really kinda appreciate it if you kept that between me and you.”


Koshic grinned widely and held up his hand in an oath like form. “To do otherwise would violate Academy rules.”


“Good, Doctor Netani might not like hearing about my raucous Academy days,” he said grinning. “Know what I mean?”


“Yeah I do,” a grinning N’Dak said. “And if I remember correctly the Bajoran wasn’t the only one I caught you with.”


Trichon winced jokingly. “Yeah. Best if we not mention this to Ruca.”


N’Dak snickered. “Oh how I miss making cadets wince.”


Trichon looked down at his chronometer, “Well its getting late and I have some modifications to finish. It was nice talking with you.”


“Have fun with that and don’t worry about Dr. Netani” Koshic gave a joking smile and waved goodbye as Trichon headed out the door.

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