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What Do You Think About Paul Martin

What Do You Think About Paul Martin   10 members have voted

  1. 1. What Do You Think About Paul Martin

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    • Argh I'm so confused
    • He speaks too clearly I don't trust him

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32 posts in this topic
Who, Colin Mocharie? Of Whose Line is it Anyway? Hmm, he'd be an intersting Prime Minister to say the least. LOL. :)

Nah he makes fun of Government too much but then again he makes fun of himself too :-P

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I say that Colin guy from T.V gets to be Prime Minister of Canada.

I say we get THESE guys from TV instead.


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I say we get THESE guys from TV instead.

They do say insanity does come with old age eh Dumbass :)

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Terrance and Phillip dolls for a Prime Minister. If I lived in Canada and that happened I would move.

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Terrance and Phillip dolls for a Prime Minister. If I lived in Canada and that happened I would move.

Actually I wasn't too far off...


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canadian politics...eh, what's that all aboot?


Forgive me canadians i could not help myself ;)

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I wouldnt be too suprised if Saddam some how took over Canada in real life, you guys are too gulible...thats how cows like this got across the boarder.




Go to the website and listen to its crazy moo! Its crazy!

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